TIMEZONE timezone-spec [product [id=nnn]]

The TIMEZONE option allows the specification of a set of valid timezones for the client machine that performs the license checkout. The timezone-spec is a 24-bit HEX number, with one bit set for each timezone you wish to be valid. Bit 0 represents GMT and each bit to the “left” of bit 0 represents one timezone (one hour) west of GMT. Thus bit 5 would be EST, bit 8 would be PST, bit 23 would be one hour east of GMT, etc. Note that RLM uses the current local time, so the timezones will move by one hour when Daylight Savings Time is in effect (i.e., PST varies from 7 to 8 hours west of GMT), so for example, to enable use of a license in PST during both normal and Daylight Savings Time, specify bits 7 and 8 in the timezone-spec as follows:

TIMEZONE 180 [product-name]

If product-name is specified, the timezone restriction applies to all licenses for product product-name. If product-name is not specified, the timezone restriction applies to all licenses for this server.

The timezone restrictions specified in the TIMEZONE option are used to further restrict the license. If the combination of the timezone specified in the license and the timezone in the option would result in a license that has no valid timezones, then the TIMEZONE option is ignored. So, for example, if the license specified timezone=fff000 and the option specified TIMEZONE ff, the result would be no valid timezones, and the license timezone (fff000) would be used. Note that this can also happen if you have more than one TIMEZONE option in your options file as well, e.g.:


TIMEZONE 180 prod

would cause the second TIMEZONE option (for product prod) to be ignored. If specified, the id applies this option to the license with an id of “nnn”.