Legal Characters in the ISV Options File

In general, all options file fields are white-space delimited, meaning that no data item can contain embedded spaces, tabs, newlines or carriage returns. In addition, the following four characters are illegal in data items in the ISV or RLM options (and license) file: “<“, ”>“, “&”, and double-quote (“).

Note that all lines in option files (RLM or ISV) as well as license files must be shorter than 1024 characters. Anything over 1024 characters will be truncated.

If you would like to add comments to the options file, start the line with the '#' character.

Note that everything in the ISV options file is case-insensitive with the exception of the file pathname in the DEBUGLOG and REPORTLOG lines (case-sensitive on Unix systems only).

For a detailed description of each option, see the section below.