CLIENT_CACHE secs [product]

The CLIENT_CACHE line sets the cache time for a license to secs seconds for product. If the license for product does not have a “client_cache” specification, the CLIENT_CACHE option as no effect.

The cache value secs can be set to between 0 and 2 times the value in the license's client_cache parameter. Attempting to set it to more than 2 times the license parameter will result in a log line similar to the following:

07/17 10:40 (reprise) foo: CLIENT_CACHE value (200) > 2x license value (120), 120 used.

If product is not specified, the cache value applies to all products.



disables client caching for all licenses. This is logged:

07/17 10:40 (reprise) Setting CLIENT_CACHE for all products to 0 secs.


sets client cache to 200 seconds for “foo”. In this example, “foo” had a client_cache value of 60 in the license, so it was limited to 120:

07/17 10:40 (reprise) Setting CLIENT_CACHE for foo to 200 secs.

07/17 10:40 (reprise) foo: CLIENT_CACHE value (200) > 2x license value (120), 120 used.