PRIORITY num product user|host|group|host_group|internet|internet_group| project who [id=nnn]

The PRIORITY line causes the order of queued requests to be modified. Any user/host/etc. with an assigned priority will be placed ahead of others in the queue. A new request will go at the end of all equal-priority requests in the queue, but ahead of all requests with a higher-numbered priority. All requests with no specified priority will be last in the queue. PRIORITY can specify a particular user, host, group, host_group, IP address, or project. If you specify group, host_group, or internet_group, it must be defined by a GROUP or HOST_GROUP or INTERNET_GROUP line in the options file.

Portions of the INTERNET address can be specified with a '*' which matches any address, e.g. 172.16.7.*

Note that PRIORITY specifications are searched in order until a match is found, and the remainder are disregarded. Thus if a request comes in for user plum on host conservatory, the following 2 PRIORITY lines would assign this request a priority of 7, not 3:

  • PRIORITY 7 candlestick user plum
  • PRIORITY 3 candlestick host conservatory

In this case, user plum would have a lower priority for the product candlestick than other users from host conservatory, since a lower number represents a higher priority.

If specified, the id applies this option to the license with an id of “nnn”.