TIMEOUT secs [product [id=nnn]]

The TIMEOUT line sets the inactivity timeout for a license to secs seconds for product. If the application using product does not contact the license server for secs seconds, the license server will reclaim the license and notify the application that the license was timed out.

Note that a license could have a min_timeout specification, in which case if you specify a TIMEOUT that is lower, the TIMEOUT will be set to the minimum. The default minimum TIMEOUT in RLM is 3600 seconds (1 hour).

If no TIMEOUT or TIMEOUTALL specification is present, the license will never time out.

If multiple TIMEOUT options are specified for the same product, the last one will be used. If TIMEOUTALL is specified after a TIMEOUT option, the TIMEOUTALL value will be used.

If product is not specified, the timeout applies to all products. This is equivalent to TIMEOUTALL.

If specified, the id applies this option to the license with an id of “nnn”.