REPORTLOG [+]file_path [std | small | detailed] [auth]

The REPORTLOG option instructs the ISV server to write a file suitable for usage reporting to the filename file_path. If file_path is preceded with a '+' sign, the new data is appended to the file, otherwise the file is overwritten.

The third (optional) argument specifies the format of the reportlog file. Valid values are:

  • std - write the standard report log file (the default if this field is not present)
  • small - a smaller report log file
  • detailed - write a reportlog that logs checkin/checkout events down to the tenth of a millisecond

The fourth optional argument, if present, specifies that the reportlog is to be authenticated. This parameter should be the string auth, and if it is to be used, the third parameter (reportlog format) must be present as well. Note that all reportlogs are authenticated.

If your server is writing a reportlog, it is important to shut the server down gracefully (i.e., don't kill the server, shut it down with the RLM web interface or with an rlmdown command, or via the service controller if running as a Windows service). If you don't do this, the sever won't write the final authentication record to the report log, and you will not be able to verify the last section of the report.

For details of the various output formats, Reportlog File Format.

Note: The fractional seconds field will always be 0 on Windows.