ROTATE [daily | weekly | monthly | #days ]

The ROTATE option instructs the ISV server to automatically close and rename the old reportlog file, and begin writing a new reportlog file, according to the time specification given.

Note that the ROTATE command will have no effect if the server is not writing a report log. The (single) argument specifies the frequency of rotation of the reportlog file. Valid values are:

  • daily - rotate the report log file every night at midnight.
  • weekly - rotate the report log file every 7 days (at midnight) after it is opened.
  • monthly - rotate the reportlog file at midnight on the first day of the month.
  • #days - this is an integer specifying the number of days between rotations. The report log file will be rotated just after midnight after this # of days. Specifying #days as 7 is equivalent to weekly.

When the ISV server rotates the report log, the old report log file will be named:


And the new report log file will be named:



report_log_file_name is the reportlog filename specified in the REPORTLOG option.

The yyyy.mm.dd is a decimal date, e.g. for September 13, 2007: 2007.09.13

Note: If the file report_log_file_name.yyyy.mm.dd already exists, the server will append a sequence number to the renamed report log, e.g. report_log_file_name.yyyy.mm.dd.N where N is an integer that starts at 1 and increases until a unique filename is created. The server will make 1000 attempts to create a unique filename, then log an error.