DEBUGLOG [+]file_path

The DEBUGLOG option instructs the ISV server to write a debug log to the filename file_path. If file_path is preceded with a '+' sign, the new data is appended to the file, otherwise the file is overwritten. This may be useful if you have many ISV servers and want to isolate the debug output from one server in a separate file.

NOTE on the use of DEBUGLOG when running the server as a Windows Service:

If no DEBUGLOG is specified in the ISV options file, rlm will write the ISV debug log in:

<location of rlm.exe>\<isv>.dlog

This file will be overwritten every time the ISV server starts, since there is no opportunity to specify that the file should be appended to in the default case. In fact, the ISV server logs a few lines to this file at startup time even if a DEBUGLOG is specified in the ISV options file. It is overwritten every time the ISV server starts, but its contents don't change startup to startup, so nothing important is lost.

Reprise Software Inc. recommends that the debug log path be specified in the ISV options file, and that the append behavior be enabled with '+'<path>. However, it is important not to specify the debug log name as <isv>.dlog, as this specific file is overwritten at each startup.