
Build Events

Figure 1. Build Events Options

The Build events tab contains a list of scheduled events for each configuration, launched by the pre-build and post-build scripts. These events can be added, deleted, or modified by clicking either the Edit pre-build... or Edit post-build... buttons. Upon clicking these buttons, you should manually add your commands in the following dialog. As of the current release, it is possible to use environment variables and values declared within them as a link to other available applications. To use that function, press the Show Macros button.

Figure 2. Build Event Editor


Expands the edit box to display the list of macros/environment variables to insert in the command-line edit box.

Macro Table

List the available macros/environment variables and their value. You can select only one macro at a time to insert into the command-line edit box. MSBuild also provides a set of reserved properties that store information about the project file and the MSBuild binaries. These properties may also be listed in the edit box.

See Macros/environment variables below for descriptions that are specific to Microchip Studio.
Table 1. Microchip Studio Build Macro Table
Macro Description
$(AVRSTUDIO_EXE_PATH) The Microchip Studio installation directory (defined with drive and path)
$(SolutionDir) The solution's directory (defined with drive and path)
$(SolutionPath) The solution's absolute pathname (defined with drive, path, basename, and file extension)
$(SolutionFileName) The solution's filename
$(SolutionName) The solution's basename
$(SolutionExt) The solution's file extension. It includes the '.' before the file extension.
$(Configuration) The current project configuration's name, for example, 'Debug'
$(Platform) The currently targeted platform's name, for example, 'AVR'
$(DevEnvDir) The Microchip Studio installation directory (defined with drive and path)
$(ProjectVersion) The project version
$(ProjectGuid) A unique project identifier
$(avrdevice) The currently selected device's name
$(avrdeviceseries) The selected device's series. Used internally by the Microchip Studio.
$(OutputType) Defines if the current project is an Executable or a Static Library type
$(Language) The current project's language; for example, C, CPP, or Assembler
$(OutputFileName) The primary output file's filename for the build (defined as base filename)
$(OutputFileExtension) The primary output file's file extension for the build. It includes the '.' before the file extension.
$(OutputDirectory) The output file directory's absolute path
$(AssemblyName) The primary output's assembly name for the build
$(Name) The project's basename
$(RootNamespace) The project's basename
$(ToolchainName) The toolchain name
$(ToolchainFlavour) The toolchain's compiler name
Macro Description