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1.1 Features
1.2 New and Noteworthy
New features available.
1.3 Installation
Installation instructions.
1.4 Contact Information
2.1 Microchip Studio, START, and Software Content
This section gives an overview of the various pieces in the AVR® and SAM tools ecosystem and how they relate to each other.
2.2 AVR® and SAM HW Tools and Debuggers
This section describes the HW Tools ecosystem for AVR® and SAM MCUs.
2.3 Data Visualizer and Power Debugging Demo
This section shows a demo using the Data Visualizer, including Power Debugging.
2.4 Installation and Updates
This section describes installing Microchip Studio for AVR and SAM Devices, installing updates for Studio or plugins, and adding support for new devices.
2.5 Microchip Gallery and Studio Extensions
This section describes how Microchip Studio can be extended and updated through the Microchip Gallery. Some of the most applicable and popular extensions are described.
2.6 Creating a New Project
This section will outline the process of creating a new Microchip Studio project.
2.7 Atmel START Integration
The development experience between Atmel START and Microchip Studio has been optimized. This section demonstrates the iterative development process of START-based projects in Microchip Studio through the re-configure and merge functionality.
2.8 Using MPLAB® Code Configurator (MCC)
This section describes how to use MCC standalone with Microchip Studio. MPLAB® Code Configurator (MCC) is a free graphical programming environment that generates seamless, easy-to-understand C code to insert into your project.
2.9 Creating From Arduino® Sketch
This section will outline the process of creating a new Microchip Studio project from an Arduino® Sketch.
2.10 In-System Programming and Kit Connection
This video gives an overview of the Device Programming dialog box to check the kit connection. The ATtiny817 Xplained Pro kit has an onboard embedded debugger (EDBG) which eliminates the need for a dedicated programmer/debugger. This section will also go through the process of associating the EDBG with your project.
2.11 I/O View and Other Bare-Metal Programming References
2.12 Editor: Writing and Re-Factoring Code (Visual Assist)
2.13 AVR® Simulator Debugging
2.14 Debugging 1: Break Points, Stepping, and Call Stack
2.15 Debugging 2: Conditional- and Action-Breakpoints
This section covers more advanced debugging topics with the Microchip Studio as both video (linked below) and hands-on document. The main topics are how to modify variables in the code, conditional- and action-breakpoints, and memory view.
2.16 Debugging 3: I/O View Memory View and Watch
This section covers more advanced debugging topics with Microchip Studio as both video (linked below) and hands-on document. The main topics are using I/O View to work with Configuration Change Protected (CCP) registers, Memory View to validate EEPROM writes, and the Watch window to cast pointers as an array.
6.1 Device Pack Manager
Use the Device Pack Manager to manage the devices supported by Microchip Studio.
6.2 User Interface Profile Selection
Different user interface profiles targeted at different users are available in Microchip Studio.
6.3 Available Tools View
6.4 Tool Info Window
6.5 Firmware Upgrade
6.6 Find and Replace Window
6.7 Export Template Wizard
6.8 Kit Mode Setting
Some kits operate with different modes. Use this window to change the mode.
11 Command-Line Utility (CLI)
12 Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently asked questions about Microchip Studio.
13 Document Revision History

The online versions of the documents are provided as a courtesy. Verify all content and data in the device’s PDF documentation found on the device product page.