60.7.12 SECUMOD Dynamic Signatures Tuning Register

It is recommended to disable the protection on dynamic intrusions before modifying this register.
Offset: 0x0074
Reset: 0x00010501
Property: Read/Write

Bit 3130292827262524 
Reset 00000000 
Bit 2322212019181716 
Reset 00000001 
Bit 15141312111098 
Reset 00000101 
Bit 76543210 
Reset 00000001 

Bits 31:16 – PERIOD[15:0] Signature Clock Period

This 32-bit field contains the dividing ratio applied on ICLK to build the signature clock:


Writing 0 has no effect: 1 ≤ PERIOD ≤ 65535

Note: Patterns generated by dynamic signatures have a mean length of 4 cycles of the signature clock.

Bits 15:8 – RX_OK_CORREL_NUMBER[7:0] Error Counter Reset Threshold

This 16-bit field contains the number of consecutive matching patterns which must be received to consider that the external signature carrier is safe (again), and to forget any ongoing dynamic intrusion.

Writing values lower than 0x5 has no effect: 5 ≤ RX_OK_CORREL_NUMBER ≤ 255

Bit 7 – NOPA No Periodic Alarm

0 The alarm is regenerated periodically while intrusion is maintained.
1 The alarm is not regenerated periodically while intrusion is maintained.

Bits 6:0 – RX_ERROR_THRESHOLD[6:0] Error Detection Threshold

This 7-bit field contains the number of mismatching patterns which must be received to trigger an alarm.

Writing 0 has no effect: 1 ≤ RX_ERROR_THRESHOLD ≤ 127