50.6.4 ASRC Valid bit Per Sample In Register

This register can only be written if the WPEN bit is cleared in ASRC_WPMR.

Offset: 0x18
Reset: 0x00000000
Property: Read/Write

Bit 3130292827262524 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 0000 
Bit 2322212019181716 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 0000 
Bit 15141312111098 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 0000 
Bit 76543210 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 0000 

Bits 0:3, 8:11, 16:19, 24:27 – VBPS_INx Valid Bit Per Sample In of DSP x

Defines the number of valid bits of the incoming data of DSP x.

0 8_BIT

The 8 LSB of THR registers are left aligned on 24-bit data entered to the DSP.

The bits [15:8] of the 24-bit data are driven by the 8 LSB of THR registers to increase the dynamic range of the data sent to DSP. The bits [7:0] are driven by 0s.

1 16_BIT

The 16 LSB of THR registers are left aligned on 24-bit data entered to the DSP.

The bits [7:0] of the 24-bit data are driven by the bits [15:8] of the THR registers to increase the dynamic range of the data sent to DSP.

2 20_BIT

The 20 LSB of THR registers are left aligned on 24-bit data entered to the DSP.

The bits [3:0] of the 24-bit data are driven by the bits [19:16] of the THR registers to increase the dynamic range of the data sent to DSP.

3 24_BIT

The 24 LSB of THR registers are entered to the DSP.

4 32_BIT

The 24 MSB of THR registers are entered to the DSP.

5 10_BIT

The 10 LSB of THR registers are left aligned on 24-bit data entered to the DSP.

The bits [13:4] of the 24-bit data are driven by the 10 LSB of THR registers to increase the dynamic range of the data sent to DSP. The bits [3:0] are driven by 0s.

6 12_BIT

The 12 LSB of THR registers are left aligned on 24-bit data entered to the DSP.

The bits [11:0] of the 24-bit data are driven by the bits [11:0] of the THR registers to increase the dynamic range of the data sent to DSP.

7 14_BIT

The 14 LSB of THR registers are left aligned on 24-bit data entered to the DSP.

The bits [9:0] of the 24-bit data are driven by the bits [13:4] of the THR registers to increase the dynamic range of the data sent to DSP.

8 18_BIT

The 18 LSB of THR registers are left aligned on 24-bit data entered to the DSP.

The bits [5:0] of the 24-bit data are driven by the bits [17:12] of the THR registers to increase the dynamic range of the data sent to DSP.