39.4.3 PLL Specifications

Table 39-9. 
Standard Operating Conditions (unless otherwise stated)
Param No. Sym. Characteristic Min. Typ. † Max. Units Conditions
PLL01 FPLLIN PLL Input Frequency Range 4 16 MHz
PLL02 FPLLOUT PLL Output Frequency Range 16 32 MHz (Note 1)
PLL03 FPLLST PLL Lock Time from Start-up 200 μs
PLL04 FPLLJIT PLL Output Frequency Stability (Jitter) -0.25 0.25 %

* - These parameters are characterized but not tested.

† - Data in “Typ” column is at 5.0V, 25°C unless otherwise stated. These parameters are for design guidance only and are not tested.

  1. The output frequency of the PLL must meet the FOSC requirements listed in Parameter D002.