36.14.8 PHY Control Register 0C

Note: The USB PHY values must be loaded from the CAL OTP area into the USB PHY registers by software, before enabling the USB, to achieve the specified accuracy.
Table 36-98. Register Bit Attribute Legend
Symbol Description Symbol Description Symbol Description
R Readable bit HC Cleared by Hardware (Grey cell) Unimplemented
W Writable bit HS Set by Hardware X Bit is unknown at Reset
K Write to clear S Software settable bit
Name: PHY0C
Offset: 0x150C
Reset: 0x000000E0
Property: PAC Write-Protection

Bit 3130292827262524 
Bit 2322212019181716 
Bit 15141312111098 
Bit 76543210 
Access R/WR/WR/W 
Reset 111 

Bits 7:5 – TUNE[2:0] Amplitude Tuning

Sets the lower 3 bits of the HS amplitude tuning.

Settings include the lower bits (PHY0C.5:7) and upper bit the upper bit (PHY10.0:4) – setting of each bit location lowers the amplitude by the same amount regardless of location.

11111111 Setting with the smallest amplitude
10101100 4-‘0’ and 4-‘1’ is the middle amplitude
00000000 Setting with the largest amplitude