2.81 Parallel Master Port (PMP)
The Parallel Master Port (PMP) is a parallel 8-bit/16-bit I/O module specifically designed to communicate with a wide variety of parallel devices such as communications peripherals, LCDs, external memory devices and micro-controllers. Because the interfaces to parallel peripherals vary significantly, the PMP module is highly configurable.
Using The Library
The key features of PMP :
8-bit,16-bit interface
Up to 16 programmable address lines
Up to two Chip Select lines
Programmable strobe options
Address auto-increment/auto-decrement
Programmable address/data multiplexing
Programmable polarity on control signals
Programmable Wait states
Library Interface
Parallel Master Port peripheral library provides the following interfaces:
Name | Description |
PMP_Initialize | This function initializes the PMP controller of the device |
PMP_AddressSet | Sets the current address of the PMP module to the specified address |
PMP_AddressGet | Gets the current address of the PMP module |
PMP_MasterSend | Sends the specified data in Master mode |
PMP_MasterReceive | Receives the data in Master mode |
PMP_PortIsBusy | Identifies if the (Master mode) PMP port is busy |
PMP_AddressPortEnable | Enables the port lines specified as PMP address lines |
PMP_AddressPortDisable | Disables the port lines specified as PMP address lines |
Note: Not all APIs maybe implemented. See the specific device family
section for available APIs.