2.18 MIPS Core Timer (CORETIMER)

The core timer is built into the MIPS CPU and it is a free running 32-bit timer that increments at half the system clock frequency (SYSCLK). This timer is implemented in the form of two co-processor registers called Count register and Compare register. When the Count register matches the Compare register, an interrupt is signaled. Core timer is not a periodic timer as the Count register does not reset on a compare match. The incrementing of Count can be optionally suspended during Debug mode.

Using The Library

The core timer peripheral library can be used to generate periodic callback in interrupt mode or create blocking delay function.

Periodic Callback in Interrupt mode

This example demonstrates how to use Core Timer to generate periodic callback. The time period is configured using MCC or the period set API.

/* This function is called at specified periodic interval */
void CORETIMER_EventHandler(uintptr_t context)
    /* Toggle LED */

int main(void)
    /* Initialize all modules */
    SYS_Initialize ( NULL );

    /* Register Callback */
    CORETIMER_CallbackSet(CORETIMER_EventHandler, (uintptr_t) NULL);

    /* Start the Timer */

Library Interface

MIPS Core Timer peripheral library provides the following interfaces:


CORETIMER_InitializeInitializes given instance of CORETIMER
CORETIMER_StartStarts the Core Timer
CORETIMER_StopStops the Core Timer counter
CORETIMER_PeriodSetSets the period value of a Core timer
CORETIMER_CompareSetSets the compare value of a Core timer
CORETIMER_CounterGetReads the Core timer counter value
CORETIMER_FrequencyGetProvides the given Core timer's counter-increment frequency
CORETIMER_CallbackSetSets the callback_fn function for an match
CORETIMER_DelayMsGenerates blocking delay in milliseconds
CORETIMER_DelayUsGenerates blocking delay in microseconds

Data types and constants

CORETIMER_CALLBACKTypedefDefines the function pointer data type and function signature for the CORETIMER callback function
Note: Not all APIs maybe implemented. See the specific device family section for available APIs.