2.49 General Purpose I/O (GPIO)
This Plib implements software abstraction for GPIO Peripheral.
Library Interface
General Purpose I/O peripheral library provides the following interfaces:
Name | Description |
GPIO_Initialize | Initialize the GPIO library |
GPIO_PortRead | Read all the I/O lines of the selected port port |
GPIO_PortWrite | Write the value on the masked I/O lines of the selected port |
GPIO_PortLatchRead | Read the latch register value of the selected I/O port |
GPIO_PortSet | Set the selected IO pins of a port |
GPIO_PortClear | Clear the selected IO pins of a port |
GPIO_PortToggle | Toggles the selected IO pins of a port |
GPIO_PortInputEnable | Enables selected IO pins of a port as input |
GPIO_PortOutputEnable | Enables selected IO pins of a port as output(s) |
GPIO_PortInterruptEnable | Enables IO interrupt on selected IO pins of a port |
GPIO_PortInterruptDisable | Disables IO interrupt on selected IO pins of a port |
GPIO_PinInterruptEnable | Enables CN interrupt on selected change notice pins |
GPIO_PinInterruptDisable | Disables CN interrupt on selected change notice pins |
GPIO_PinWrite | Set the logic level of the selected pin |
GPIO_PinRead | Read the selected pin value |
GPIO_PinLatchRead | Read the value driven on the selected pin |
GPIO_PinDirConfig | Sets the direction of the given GPIO Pin |
GPIO_PinInputEnable | Enables the input mode of the given GPIO Pin |
GPIO_PinInputDisable | Disables the input mode of the given GPIO Pin |
GPIO_PinInputConfig | Enables or disables input on the given GPIO pin |
GPIO_PinGroupOutputEnable | Enables the group output of the given GPIO pin |
GPIO_PinGroupOutputDisable | Disables the group output of the given GPIO pin |
GPIO_PinGroupOutputConfig | Either enables or disables control of the GPIO pin using the Group output register |
GPIO_PinToggle | Toggles the selected pin |
GPIO_PinSet | Sets the selected pin |
GPIO_PinClear | Clears the selected pin |
GPIO_PinInputEnable | Enables selected IO pin as Digital input |
GPIO_PinOutputEnable | Enables selected IO pin as Digital output |
GPIO_PinInterruptEnable | Enables IO interrupt on selected IO pin |
GPIO_PinInterruptDisable | Disables IO interrupt on selected IO pin |
GPIO_PinIntEnable | Enables IO interrupt on selected IO pin |
GPIO_PinIntDisable | Disables IO interrupt on selected IO pin |
GPIO_GroupSet | Sets the value in the given Group output register |
GPIO_GroupClear | Clears the value in the given Group output register |
GPIO_GroupToggle | Toggles the value in the given Group output register |
GPIO_GroupRead | Returns the state of the pins in the given GPIO group |
GPIO_GroupPinSet | Sets the value of the given pin in the Group output register |
GPIO_GroupPinClear | Clears the value of the given pin in the Group output register |
GPIO_GroupPinToggle | Toggles the value of the given pin in the Group output register |
GPIO_GroupPinRead | Returns the value of the given pin by reading it from the Group GPIO input register |
vGPIO_PinMUXConfig | Configures the signal function on the given pin |
GPIO_PinPolarityConfig | Configures the polarity of the given GPIO pin |
GPIO_PinOuputBufferTypeConfig | Configures the buffer type of the given GPIO pin |
GPIO_PinPullUpPullDownConfig | Configures the pull type on the given GPIO pin |
GPIO_PinSlewRateConfig | Configures the slew rate on the given GPIO pin |
GPIO_PinIntDetectConfig | Configures the event that generates interrupt on the GPIO pin |
GPIO_PinPwrGateConfig | Configures the power well to use for the given GPIO pin |
GPIO_DrvStrConfig | Configures the drive strength on the given GPIO pin |
GPIO_PropertySet | Configures various parameters of the given GPIO pin |
GPIO_PinInterruptCallbackRegister | Allows application to register callback for every pin |
Data types and constants
Name | Type | Description |
GPIO_ALT_OUT | Enum | This enum is used to specify whether to enable alternate output for a GPIO pin |
GPIO_DIR | Enum | This enum is used to specify the GPIO pin direction |
GPIO_DRV | Enum | This enum is used to specify the pin drive strength |
GPIO_FUNCTION | Enum | This enum is used to specify the GPIO pin function |
GPIO_GROUP | Enum | Identifies the available GPIO groups |
GPIO_INP_READ | Enum | This enum is used to enable or disable input for a pin |
GPIO_INTDET_TYPE | Enum | This enum is used to specify the interrupt detect event type |
GPIO_OUTPUT_BUFFER_TYPE | Enum | This enum is used to specify the pin output buffer type |
GPIO_POLARITY | Enum | This enum is used to specify the pin polarity |
GPIO_PROPERTY | Enum | This enum is used to specify the property of the pin to set |
GPIO_PULL_TYPE | Enum | This enum is used to specify the pin pull type |
GPIO_PWRGATE | Enum | This enum is used to specify the power well for the pin |
GPIO_SLEW_RATE | Enum | This enum is used to specify the pin slew rate type |
GPIO_PORT | Enum | Identifies the available GPIO Ports |
GPIO_PIN | Enum | Identifies the available GPIO port pins |
CN_PIN | Enum | Identifies the available Change Notice pins |
GPIO_INTERRUPT_STYLE | Enum | Identifies different GPIO interrupt types |
GPIO_PIN_CALLBACK | Typedef | Pointer to a GPIO Pin-Event handler function |
Note: Not all APIs maybe implemented. See the specific device family
section for available APIs.