2.4 Analog to Digital Converter (ADCHS)
12-bit Analog to Digital Converter
18 Msps with up to six ADC circuits (five dedicated and one shared)
Up to 45 analog input
Can operate during Sleep and Idle modes
Multiple trigger sources
Six Digital Comparators and six Digital Filters
Using The Library
Interrupt mode:
#include <stddef.h> // Defines NULL #include <stdbool.h> // Defines true #include <stdlib.h> // Defines EXIT_FAILURE #include "definitions.h" // SYS function prototypes #define ADC_VREF (3.3f) #define ADC_MAX_COUNT (4095) uint16_t adc_count; float input_voltage; volatile bool result_ready = false; // ***************************************************************************** // ***************************************************************************** // Section: Main Entry Point // ***************************************************************************** // ***************************************************************************** void ADC_ResultHandler(ADCHS_CHANNEL_NUM channel, uintptr_t context) { /* Read the ADC result */ adc_count = ADCHS_ChannelResultGet(ADCHS_CH3); result_ready = true; } int main ( void ) { /* Initialize all modules */ SYS_Initialize ( NULL ); printf("\n\r---------------------------------------------------------"); printf("\n\r ADC Interrupt Mode Demo "); printf("\n\r---------------------------------------------------------\n\r"); ADCHS_CallbackRegister(ADCHS_CH3, ADC_ResultHandler, (uintptr_t)NULL); TMR3_Start(); while ( true ) { /* Maintain state machines of all polled MPLAB Harmony modules. */ SYS_Tasks ( ); /* Wait till ADC conversion result is available */ if (result_ready == true) { result_ready = false; input_voltage = (float)adc_count * ADC_VREF / ADC_MAX_COUNT; printf("ADC Count = 0x%03x, ADC Input Voltage = %d.%02d V \r", adc_count, (int)input_voltage, (int)((input_voltage - (int)input_voltage)*100.0)); } } /* Execution should not come here during normal operation */ return ( EXIT_FAILURE ); }
Polling mode:
#include <stddef.h> // Defines NULL #include <stdbool.h> // Defines true #include <stdlib.h> // Defines EXIT_FAILURE #include "definitions.h" // SYS function prototypes #define ADC_VREF (3.3f) #define ADC_MAX_COUNT (4095) uint16_t adc_count; float input_voltage; // ***************************************************************************** // ***************************************************************************** // Section: Main Entry Point // ***************************************************************************** // ***************************************************************************** int main ( void ) { /* Initialize all modules */ SYS_Initialize ( NULL ); printf("\n\r---------------------------------------------------------"); printf("\n\r ADC Polled Mode Demo "); printf("\n\r---------------------------------------------------------\n\r"); TMR3_Start(); while ( true ) { /* Maintain state machines of all polled MPLAB Harmony modules. */ SYS_Tasks ( ); /* Wait till ADC conversion result is available */ while(!ADCHS_ChannelResultIsReady(ADCHS_CH3)) { }; /* Read the ADC result */ adc_count = ADCHS_ChannelResultGet(ADCHS_CH3); input_voltage = (float)adc_count * ADC_VREF / ADC_MAX_COUNT; printf("ADC Count = 0x%03x, ADC Input Voltage = %d.%02d V \r", adc_count, (int)input_voltage, (int)((input_voltage - (int)input_voltage)*100.0)); } /* Execution should not come here during normal operation */ return ( EXIT_FAILURE ); }
Library Interface
12-bit Analog to Digital Converter peripheral library provides the following interfaces:
Name | Description |
ADCHS_Initialize | Initializes given instance of ADCHS peripheral |
ADCHS_ModulesEnable | Enables the ADC modules |
ADCHS_ModulesDisable | Disables the ADC modules |
ADCHS_ChannelResultInterruptEnable | Enables the ADC channel result data interrupt |
ADCHS_ChannelResultInterruptDisable | Disables the ADC channel result data interrupt |
ADCHS_ChannelEarlyInterruptEnable | Enables the ADC channel early result data interrupt |
ADCHS_ChannelEarlyInterruptDisable | Disables the ADC channel early result data interrupt |
ADCHS_ChannelConversionStart | Starts the ADC conversion of an analog channel |
ADCHS_GlobalEdgeConversionStart | Starts the ADC conversion of analog channels configured for global software edge trigger |
ADCHS_GlobalLevelConversionStart | Starts the ADC conversion of analog channels configured for global software level trigger |
ADCHS_GlobalLevelConversionStop | Stops the global software level trigger |
ADCHS_ChannelResultIsReady | Returns the status of the channel conversion |
ADCHS_EOSStatusGet | Returns the status of the end of scan interrupt flag |
ADCHS_ChannelResultGet | Reads the conversion result of the channel |
ADCHS_CallbackRegister | Registers the function to be called from interrupt |
ADCHS_EOSCallbackRegister | Registers the function to be called from end of scan interrupt |
ADCHS_DMASampleCountBaseAddrSet | Registers the user-defined RAM address at which the DMA engine will start saving the current count of output samples |
ADCHS_DMAResultBaseAddrSet | Registers the user-defined RAM address at which the DMA engine will start saving the converted data |
ADCHS_DMACallbackRegister | Registers the application event handler which is called when the DMA transfer is complete |
ADCHS_DMAStatusGet | Returns the DMA transfer status |
ADCHS_ComparatorxEnable | Enables comparator |
ADCHS_ComparatorxDisable | Disables comparator |
ADCHS_ComparatorxLimitSet | Sets lower and higher threshold for comparator |
ADCHS_ComparatorxEventModeSet | Sets the condition under which the comparator output becomes true |
ADCHS_ComparatorxAnalogInputIDGet | Identifies the analog input for which the comparator event is generated |
ADCHS_ComparatorxCallbackRegister | Registers the function to be called from the ADC comparator interrupt |
ADCHS_ComparatorxStatusGet | Returns the Comparator status |
ADCHS_FilterxIsReady | Returns the status of ADC filter |
ADCHS_FilterxDataGet | Returns the ADC filter data |
ADCHS_FilterxCallbackRegister | Registers the function to be called from the ADC filter ready interrupt |
Data types and constants
Name | Type | Description |
ADCHS_MODULE_MASK | Enum | Identifies dedicated and shared ADC module mask |
ADCHS_CHANNEL_NUM | Enum | Identifies ADCHS inputs as analog channel number |
ADCHS_CMP_EVENT_MODE | Enum | Identifies ADCHS comparator event modes |
ADCHS_DMA_STATUS | Enum | Identifies ADCHS DMA status |
ADCHS_CALLBACK | Typedef | Defines the function pointer data type and function signature for the adchs peripheral callback function |
ADCHS_DC_CALLBACK | Typedef | Defines the function pointer data type and function signature for the adchs digital comparator interrupt callback function |
ADCHS_DF_CALLBACK | Typedef | Defines the function pointer data type and function signature for the adchs digital filter interrupt callback function |
ADCHS_DMA_CALLBACK | Typedef | Defines the function pointer data type and function signature for the adchs DMA interrupt callback function |
ADCHS_EOS_CALLBACK | Typedef | Defines the function pointer data type and function signature for the adchs end of scan interrupt callback function |
ADCHS_CALLBACK_OBJECT | Struct | ADCHS Callback structure |
ADCHS_EOS_CALLBACK_OBJECT | Struct | ADCHS Callback structure for End of Scan (EOS) interrupt |
Note: Not all APIs maybe implemented. See the specific device family
section for available APIs.