2.82 I/O Pin Controller (PORT)

The IO Pin Controller (PORT) controls the I/O pins of the device. The I/O pins are organized in a series of groups, collectively referred to as a PORT group. Each PORT group can have up to 32 pins that can be configured and controlled individually or as a group.

Using The Library

PORT PLIB provides two kinds of functions which can be used to control PORT Pins:

  • Pin Functions

  • Group Functions

Pin functions take a particular pin as input and operates only on that pin without affecting any other pins. Whereas group functions can operate on multiple pins of the same port together.

Library Interface

I/O Pin Controller peripheral library provides the following interfaces:


PORT_InitializeInitializes the PORT Library
PORT_PinWriteWrites the specified value to the selected pin
PORT_PinReadRead the selected pin value
PORT_PinLatchReadRead the value driven on the selected pin
PORT_PinToggleToggles the selected pin
PORT_PinSetSets the selected pin
PORT_PinClearClears the selected pin
PORT_PinInputEnableConfigures the selected IO pin as input
PORT_PinOutputEnableEnables selected IO pin as output
PORT_GroupReadRead all the I/O pins in the specified port group
PORT_GroupLatchReadRead the data driven on all the I/O pins of the selected port group
PORT_GroupWriteWrite value on the masked pins of the selected port group
PORT_GroupSetSet the selected IO pins of a group
PORT_GroupClearClears the selected IO pins of a group
PORT_GroupToggleToggles the selected IO pins of a group
PORT_GroupInputEnableConfigures the selected IO pins of a group as input
PORT_GroupOutputEnableConfigures the selected IO pins of a group as output
PORT_PinPeripheralFunctionConfigConfigures the peripheral function on the selected port pin
PORT_PinGPIOConfigConfigures the selected pin as GPIO

Data types and constants

PORT_GROUPEnumIdentifies the port groups available on the device
PORT_PINEnumIdentifies the available Ports pins
Note: Not all APIs maybe implemented. See the specific device family section for available APIs.