2.40 External Interrupt Controller (EIC)

This Plib implements software abstraction for EIC Peripheral.

Library Interface

External Interrupt Controller peripheral library provides the following interfaces:


EIC_InitializeInitializes given instance of EIC peripheral
EIC_InterruptEnableEnable external interrupt on the specified pin
EIC_InterruptDisableDisable external interrupt on the specified pin
EIC_CallbackRegisterRegisters the function to be called when an interrupt condition has been sensed on the pin
EIC_SetPolaritySets the polarity of detection
EIC_FreezeConfigurationFreeze EIC configuration
EIC_NMICallbackRegisterRegisters the function to be called when an interrupt condition has been sensed on the NMI pin

Data types and constants

EIC_PINEnumIdentifies the available EIC pins
EIC_POLARITYEnumIdentifies all possible EIC polarities
EIC_CALLBACKTypedefDefines the data type and function signature of the EIC peripheral callback function
EIC_NMI_CALLBACKTypedefDefines the data type and function signature of the EIC peripheral NMI callback function
Note: Not all APIs maybe implemented. See the specific device family section for available APIs.