2.84 Pulse Width Modulation Controller (PWM)
This Plib implements software abstraction for PWM Peripheral.
Library Interface
Pulse Width Modulation Controller peripheral library provides the following interfaces:
Name | Description |
PWMx_Initialize | Initializes given instance of PWM peripheral. |
PWMx_Initialize | Initializes given instance of PWM peripheral. |
PWMx_OffCountGet | Returns the off-time period of the PWM signal |
PWMx_OffCountSet | Sets the off-time period of the PWM signal |
PWMx_OnCountSet | Sets the on-time period of the PWM signal |
PWMx_OnCountGet | Returns the on-time period of the PWM signal |
PWMx_OutputConfig | Selects the polarity of the PWM output ON state |
PWMx_Start | Enables and starts PWM peripheral |
PWMx_Stop | Disables PWM peripheral and stops PWM output |
PWMx_ClkSelect | Selects the clock source for the PWM peripheral |
PWMx_ClkDividerSet | Selects the divider value for the clock source for the PWM peripheral |
PWMx_ChannelsStart | Starts the given PWM channels |
PWMx_ChannelsStop | Stops the given PWM channels |
PWMx_ChannelPeriodSet | Sets the period value of given PWM channel |
PWMx_ChannelPeriodGet | Reads the period value of given PWM channel |
PWMx_ChannelDutySet | Writes the duty cycle value of given PWM channel |
PWMx_ChannelDeadTimeSet | Writes dead time values of given PWM channel |
PWMx_ChannelCounterEventEnable | Enables counter event of given channels |
PWMx_ChannelCounterEventDisable | Disables counter event of given channels |
PWMx_ChannelCounterEventStatusGet | Disables counter event of given channels |
PWMx_CompareValueSet | Writes the compare value for given PWM peripheral and given comparison unit |
PWMx_SyncUpdateEnable | This sets the synchronous update unlock bit |
PWMx_FaultStatusClear | This function clears the status of the given fault id |
PWMx_ChannelOverrideEnable | This function overrides the PWM output |
PWMx_ChannelOverrideDisable | This function select dead-time output as the PWM output |
PWMx_CallbackRegister | Registers the function to be called from interrupt |
Data types and constants
Name | Type | Description |
PWM_OUTPUT_ON_STATE_ACTIVE | Macro | Defines the macros associated with PWM_OUTPUT_ON_STATE_ACTIVE |
PWM_CLK_SEL | Macro | Defines the macros associated with PWM_CLK_SEL |
PWM_CALLBACK | Typedef | Defines the data type and function signature for the PWM peripheral callback function |
PWM_CHANNEL_NUM | Enum | Identifies PWM channel number in a PWM peripheral |
PWM_CHANNEL_MASK | Enum | Identifies PWM channel mask |
PWM_COMPARE | Enum | Identifies PWM compare unit |
PWM_FAULT_ID | Enum | Identifies PWM fault input ids |
Note: Not all APIs maybe implemented. See the
specific device family section for available