2.110 Supply Controller (SUPC)

This Plib implements software abstraction for SUPC Peripheral.

Library Interface

Supply Controller peripheral library provides the following interfaces:


SUPC_InitializeInitializes the SUPC peripheral
SUPC_SelectVoltageRegulatorSelects the main voltage regulator
SUPC_SelectTempSensorChannelSelects a specific channel of the temperature sensor
SUPC_SetOutputPinSets a specific output pin (OUTx) to logic HIGH
SUPC_ClearOutputPinClears a specific output pin (OUTx) to logic LOW
SUPC_SleepModeEnterPuts the device into Sleep mode
SUPC_WaitModeEnterPuts the device into Wait mode
SUPC_BackupModeEnterPuts the device into Backup mode
SUPC_GPBRReadReads the data from General Purpose Backup Register(GPBR)
SUPC_GPBRWriteWrites data to the General Purpose Backup Register(GPBR)
SUPC_BOD33CallbackRegisterRegisters the function to be called when a Brown Out Event has occurred
SUPC_BODVDDCallbackRegisterRegisters the function to be called when a Brown Out Event has occurred
SUPC_CallbackRegisterRegisters the function to be called when a Brown Out Event has occurred

Data types and constants

SUPC_OUTPINEnumIdentifies the output pins of SUPC peripheral
SUPC_TSSELEnumIdentifies the temperature sensor channels of SUPC peripheral
SUPC_VREGSELEnumIdentifies the Main Voltage Regulators
SUPC_BOD33_CALLBACKTypedefDefines the data type and function signature for the SUPC peripheral callback function
WAITMODE_WKUP_SOURCEEnumIdentifies the wakeup input source
WAITMODE_FLASH_STATEEnumIdentifies Flash Low-power mode
GPBR_REGS_INDEXEnumGPBR registers index
SUPC_BODVDD_CALLBACKTypedefDefines the data type and function signature for the SUPC peripheral callback function
SUPC_CALLBACKTypedefPointer to a SUPC callback function
SUPC_CALLBACKTypedefDefines the data type and function signature for the SUPC peripheral callback function
Note: Not all APIs maybe implemented. See the specific device family section for available APIs.