2.30 Direct Memory Access Controller (DMAC)

This Plib implements software abstraction for DMAC Peripheral.

Library Interface

Direct Memory Access Controller peripheral library provides the following interfaces:


DMAC_InitializeThis function initializes the DMAC controller of the device
DMAC_ChannelCallbackRegisterThis function allows a DMAC PLIB client to set an event handler
DMAC_ChannelTransferSchedules a DMA transfer on the specified DMA channel
DMAC_ChainTransferSetupSetup a DMA channel for chain transfer
DMAC_ChannelPatternMatchSetupSets up DMA channel for pattern matching
DMAC_ChannelPatternMatchDisableDisables the DMA pattern matching
DMAC_ChannelDisableThis function disables the DMA channel
DMAC_ChannelIsBusyReads the busy status of a channel
DMAC_ChannelTransferStatusGetReturns the DMA channel's transfer status
DMAC_ChannelGetTransferredCountReturns transfer count of the ongoing DMAC transfer
DMAC_ChannelSuspendThis function Suspends the DMA channel
DMAC_ChannelResumeThis function Resumes the DMA channel
DMAC_ChannelCRCSetupDMA Channel CRC setup and enable function
DMAC_LinkedListDescriptorSetupSets up linked list descriptor
DMAC_ChannelLinkedListTransferThe function submit a list of DMA transfers
DMAC_ChannelSettingsGetReturns the current channel settings for the specified DMAC Channel
DMAC_ChannelSettingsSetChanges the current transfer settings of the specified DMAC channel
DMAC_ChannelCRCSetupDMA Channel CRC setup and enable function
DMAC_CRCDisableDMA CRC disable function
DMAC_CRCReadDMA CRC read function
DMAC_CRCCalculateFunction to calculate CRC using I/O Interface

Data types and constants

DMAC_ERROREnumIdentifies the available DMA operating modes
DMAC_TRANSFER_EVENTEnumIdentifies the status of the transfer event
DMAC_DATA_PATTERN_SIZEEnumIdentifies the pattern size for data matching
DMAC_CHANNEL_CALLBACKTypedefPointer to a DMAC Transfer Event handler function
DMAC_CHANNEL_CONFIGTypedefDMAC Block Transfer Control configuration value
DMAC_CHANNELEnumFundamental data object that represents DMA channel number
DMAC_CRC_POLYNOMIAL_TYPEEnumEnumeration of Supported CRC polynomials
DMAC_CRC_BEAT_SIZEEnumEnumeration of Supported CRC Beat Size
DMAC_CRC_MODEEnumEnumeration of Supported CRC modes
DMAC_CRC_SETUPStructFundamental data object that represents DMA CRC setup parameters
Note: Not all APIs maybe implemented. See the specific device family section for available APIs.