2.67 Non-maskable Interrupt Controller (NMIC)

Non-Maskable Interrupt controller (NMIC) is used to configure and route several critical exceptions to the NMI vector of the ARM CPU.

Using The Library

Configure the library using the MCC.

Library Interface

Non-maskable Interrupt Controller peripheral library provides the following interfaces:


NMIC_InitializeInitializes given instance of the NMIC peripheral
NMIC_CallbackRegisterSets the pointer to the function (and it is context) to be called when the Timeout events occur

Data types and constants

NMIC_SOURCEEnumDefines the data type for the NMIC_SOURCE Mask
NMIC_CALLBACKTypedefDefines the data type and function signature for the NMIC peripheral callback function
Note: Not all APIs maybe implemented. See the specific device family section for available APIs.