2.24 Digital-to-Analog Converter Controller (DACC)

This Plib implements software abstraction for DACC Peripheral.

Library Interface

Digital-to-Analog Converter Controller peripheral library provides the following interfaces:


DACC_InitializeInitializes DACC module of the device
DACC_IsReadyReturns the status of readiness of DACC module for new conversion request
DACC_ChannelDataWriteConverts a Digital data to Analog value
DACC_ChannelSelectSelect the channel of DACC module for new conversion request
DACC_DataWriteConverts a Digital data to Analog value

Data types and constants

DACC_CHANNEL_NUMEnumIdentifies the Channel index of DACC module
Note: Not all APIs maybe implemented. See the specific device family section for available APIs.