50.12.13 SDMMC Block Gap Control Register (SD_SDIO)

Note: This register configuration is specific to the SD/SDIO operation mode.
Offset: 0x2A
Reset: 0x00
Property: Read/Write

Bit 76543210 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 0000 

Bit 3 – INTBG Interrupt at Block Gap

This bit is valid only in 4-bit mode of the SDIO card and selects a sample point in the interrupt cycle. Setting to 1 enables interrupt detection at the block gap for a multiple block transfer. If the SDIO card cannot signal an interrupt during a multiple block transfer, this bit should be set to 0. When the software detects an SDIO card insertion, it sets this bit according to the CCCR of the SDIO card.


Interrupt detection disabled.


Interrupt detection enabled.

Bit 2 – RWCTRL Read Wait Control

The Read Wait control is optional for SDIO cards. If the card supports Read Wait, set this bit to enable use of the Read Wait protocol to stop read data using the SDMMC_DAT[2] line. Otherwise, the SDMMC stops the SDCLK to hold read data, which restricts command generation. When the software detects an SD card insertion, this bit must be set according to the CCCR of the SDIO card. If the card does not support Read Wait, this bit shall never be set to 1, otherwise an SDMMC_DAT line conflict may occur. If this bit is set to 0, Suspend/Resume cannot be supported.


Disables Read Wait control.


Enables Read Wait control.

Bit 1 – CONTR Continue Request

This bit is used to restart a transaction which was stopped using a Stop At Block Gap Request (STPBGR). To cancel stop at the block gap, set STPBGR to 0 and set this bit to 1 to restart the transfer.

The SDMMC automatically clears this bit in either of the following cases:

– In the case of a read transaction, the DAT Line Active (DLACT) changes from 0 to 1 as a read transaction restarts.

– In the case of a write transaction, the Write Transfer Active (WTACT) changes from 0 to 1 as the write transaction restarts.

Therefore, it is not necessary to set this bit to 0. If STPBGR is set to 1, any write to this bit is ignored.

See the “Abort Transaction” and “Suspend/Resume” sections in the “SD Host Controller Simplified Specification V3.00” for more details.


No effect.



Bit 0 – STPBGR Stop At Block Gap Request

This bit is used to stop executing read and write transactions at the next block gap for nonDMA, SDMA, and ADMA transfers. The user must leave this bit set to 1 until Transfer Complete (TRFC) in SDMMC_NISTR. Clearing both Stop At Block Gap Request and Continue Request does not cause the transaction to restart. This bit can be set whether the card supports the Read Wait signal or not.

During read transfers, the SDMMC stops the transaction by using the Read Wait signal (SDMMC_DAT[2]) if supported, or by stopping the SD clock otherwise.

In case of write transfers in which the user writes data to SDMMC_BDPR, this bit must be set to 1 after all the block of data is written. If this bit is set to 1, the user does not write data to SDMMC_BDPR.

This bit affects Read Transfer Active (RTACT), Write Transfer Active (WTACT), DAT Line Active (DLACT) and Command Inhibit (DAT) (CMDINHD) in SDMMC_PSR.

See the “Abort Transaction” and “Suspend/Resume” sections in the “SD Host Controller Simplified Specification V3.00” for more details.



