30.8.11 Non-Secure Region Unlock Bits

Important: For SAM L11 Non-Secure accesses, write accesses (W*) are allowed only if Non-Secure Write is set in the NONSEC register.
Offset: 0x22
Reset: x initially determined from NVM User Row after reset
Property: PAC Write-Protection, Write-Mix-Secure

Bit 15141312111098 
Access W/W*/WW/W*/WW/W*/WW/W*/WW/W*/WW/W*/WW/W*/WW/W*/W 
Reset 00000000 
Bit 76543210 
Reset xxx 

Bits 15:8 – NSLKEY[7:0] Non-Secure Unlock Key

When this bit group is written to the key value 0xA5, the write will be performed. If a value different from the key value is tried, the write will be discarded and INTFLAG.KEYE set.

Bit 2 – DNS Data Flash Non-Secure Unlock Bit

Note: For SAM L10 devices, the Non-Secure Data Flash region corresponds to the entire Data Flash region.
0 The Non-Secure Data Flash region is locked.
1 The Non-Secure Data Flash region is not locked.

Bit 1 – ANS APPLICATION Non-Secure Unlock Bit

Note: For SAM L10 devices, the Non-Secure Flash (APPLICATION region) corresponds to the entire Flash (APPLICATION region).
0 The Non-Secure Flash (APPLICATION region) is locked.
1 The Non-Secure Flash (APPLICATION region) is not locked.

Bit 0 – BNS BOOT Non-Secure Unlock Bit

Note: For SAM L10 devices, the Non-Secure Flash (BOOT region) corresponds to the entire Flash (BOOT region).
0 The Non-Secure Flash (BOOT region) is locked.
1 The Non-Secure Flash (BOOT region) is not locked.