Simulation and RTL Synthesis, Place and Route Report

SmartHLS also generates a summary report (hls_output/reports/summary.results.rpt) to show the results of simulation and RTL synthesis + Place & Route. Below is an example report:

====== 1. Simulation Cycle Latency ======

Number of calls:        6,105
Cycle latency:        6,134
SW/HW co-simulation: PASS

====== 2. Timing Result ======

| Clock Domain | Target Period | Target Fmax | Worst Slack | Period   | Fmax        |
| clk          | 10.000 ns     | 100.000 MHz | 5.775 ns    | 4.225 ns | 236.686 MHz |

The reported Fmax is for the HLS core in isolation (from Libero's post-place-and-route timing analysis).
When the HLS core is integrated into a larger system, the system Fmax may be lower depending on the critical path of the system.

====== 3. Resource Usage ======

| Resource Type            | Used     | Total  | Percentage |
| Fabric + Interface 4LUT* | 488 + 72 | 108600 | 0.52       |
| Fabric + Interface DFF*  | 397 + 72 | 108600 | 0.43       |
| I/O Register             | 0        | 852    | 0.00       |
| User I/O                 | 0        | 284    | 0.00       |
| uSRAM                    | 0        | 1008   | 0.00       |
| LSRAM                    | 2        | 352    | 0.57       |
| Math                     | 0        | 336    | 0.00       |

* Interface 4LUTs and DFFs are occupied due to the uses of LSRAM, Math, and uSRAM.
  Number of interface 4LUTs/DFFs = (36 * #.LSRAM) + (36 * #.Math) + (12 * #.uSRAM) = (36 * 2) + (36 * 0) + (12 * 0) = 72.

The first section shows the result of SW/HW co-simulation, including the number of calls of the top-level function, the total cycle latency for running the whole simulation, and whether the SW/HW co-simulation has passed.

Note that when Function Pipelining is used, the auto-generated RTL test bench for SW/HW co-simulation can inject a new set of inputs to the top-level module without waiting for the previous "function calls" to finish. And because of this overlapped execution, you could see the average cycle per call being close to the reported initiation interval of the pipelined function. For instance, the example report above is from a pipelined function with an initiation interval of 1, and we can see that the average cycle per call is very close to 1 (6,134/6,105).