21.10.8 generate_initialization_mem_files


This Tcl command sets the parameter values needed for generating memory files to be used with design initialization clients.

generate_initialization_mem_files \
            [-second_stage_start_address {valid snvm address}] \
            [-third_stage_start_address {valid address for third stage memory type}] \
            [-third_stage_memory_type {UPROM | SNVM | SPIFLASH_NONAUTH}] \
            [-third_stage_spi_clock_divider {1 | 2 | 4 | 6}] \
            [-init_timeout {int between 1 and 128 seconds}] \
            [-custom_cfg_file {valid user specified configuration file}]


second_stage_start_addressstringString parameter for the start address of the second stage sNVM initialization client. Specified as a 32-bit hexadecimal string.The second stage client is always placed in sNVM, so it must be a valid sNVM address aligned on a page boundary. This address will be between 0 and DB00. There are 221 sNVM pages and each page is 256 bytes long. The last two pages are reserved for the first stage initialization client so they are not available for the second stage initialization client.
third_stage_start_addressstringThe memory where the third stage initialization client will be placed. The value can be UPROM, SNVM, or SPIFLASH_NONAUTH. The default is sNVM. This parameter determines the valid value for parameter ‘third_stage_start_address’.
third_stage_memory_typestringString parameter for the start address of the third stage initialization client. Specified as a 32-bit hexadecimal string, and must be one of the following:
  • valid sNVM address aligned on a page boundary.
  • valid UPROM address aligned on a block boundary.
  • valid SPIFLASH address.
third_stage_spi_clock_dividerintegerThe value can be 1, 2, 4, or 6. The default value is 1.
init_timeoutintegerTimeout value in seconds. Initialization is aborted if it does not complete before timeout expires. The value can be between 1 and 128. The default value is 128.
custom_cfg_filestringSpecifies the user_specified configuration file to be loaded in.
Return TypeDescription

Supported Families

SmartFusion® 2


generate_initialization_mem_files \
            -second_stage_start_address 200 \
            -third_stage_memory_type UPROM \
            -third_stage_start_address 400 \
            -third_stage_spi_clock_divider 6 \
            -init_timeout 120 \
            -custom_cfg_file {./src/my.txt}