21.10.13 select_programmer


This Tcl command enables the specified programmer and disables all other connected programmers. This command is useful when multiple programmers are connected.

select_programmer -programmer_id {programmer id} \
                  [-host_name {host name}] \
                  [-host_port {host port}]


programmer_idstringThe programmer to be enabled. This parameter is mandatory.
host_namestringThe host name or IP address. This argument is required for a remote programmer and optional for a local programmer. For local programmer, if specified it must be “localhost”. This parameter is optional.
host_portstringThis argument is required for a remote programmer and optional for a local programmer. If omitted, the default port is used (currently, the default is 80). For a local host, both “localhost” and its port should be specified or omitted. This parameter is optional.
Note: The def variable “LOCAL_PROGRAM_DEBUG_SERVER_PORT” is used to set a different default local hostport.
Return TypeDescription

Error Codes

Error CodeDescription
NoneRequired parameter 'programmer_id' is missing.
NoneParameter 'host_port' has illegal value.
NoneParameter 'host_name' has illegal value.
NoneUnable to select programmer 'value'.
NoneParameter 'programmer_id' has illegal value.
NoneParameter 'param_name' is not defined. Valid command formatting is 'select_programmer -programmer_id "programmer_id" [-host_name "host_name"] [-host_port "host_port"]'.

Supported Families

SmartFusion® 2
PolarFire SoC


This example selects the programmer with {00557} id, {localhost} host name and {80} host port.

select_programmer -programmer_id {00557} \
                  -host_name {localhost} \
                  -host_port {80}

This example selects the programmer with {00557} id.

select_programmer -programmer_id {00557}