21.10.19 set_plain_text_client


This Tcl command is added to the sNVM.cfg file that is given as the parameter to the configure_snvm command.

set_plain_text_client -client_name {name} \
                      -number_of_bytes {number} \
                      -content_type {MEMORY_FILE | STATIC_FILL} \
                      -content_file_format {Microchip-Binary 8/16/32 bit} \
                      -content_file {path} \
                      -start_page {number} \
                      -use_for_simulation {0} \
                      -reprogram {0 | 1} \
                      -use_as_rom {0 | 1}


client_namestringSpecifies the name of the client. Needs to start with an alphabetic letter. Underscores and numerals are allowed at all positions other than the first.
number_of_bytesintegerThe size of the client specified in bytes.
content_typestringSource of data for the client. This can either be a memory file, or all zeros. Allowed values are MEMORY_FILE or STATIC_FILL
content_file_formatstringOnly ‘Microchip-Binary 8/16/32 bit’ is supported at this time.
content_filestringPath of the memory file. This can be absolute, or relative to the project.
start_pageintegerThe page number in sNVM where data for this client will be placed.
use_for_simulationbooleanOnly value 0 is allowed.
reprogrambooleanSpecifies whether the client will be programmed into the final design or not. Possible values are 0 or 1.
use_as_rombooleanSpecifies whether the client will allow only reads, or both read and writes. Possible values are 0 or 1.
Return TypeDescription

Error Codes

Error CodeDescription

Supported Families

PolarFire SoC


This example sets plain_tets client with the following parameter values.

set_plain_text_client -client_name {a} \
                      -number_of_bytes 12 \
                      -content_type {MEMORY_FILE} \
                      -content_file_format {Microchip-Binary 8/16/32 bit} \
                      -content_file {} \
                      -start_page 1 \
                      -use_for_simulation 0 \
                      -reprogram 1 \
                      -use_as_rom 0

See Also

  • set_cipher_text_auth_client
  • set_usk_client