Scalar Argument Driver Functions
(Ask a Question)When a scalar argument is configured to use AXI4 target interface (see Scalar Argument), SmartHLS™ generates the following
driver functions for the CPU to write and read the argument into and from the SmartHLS module, respectively.
Operating System | Function Signature | Description |
Linux | void <TopFunc>_write_<ArgName>(TYPE val, void
*virt_addr); | This function writes the value 'val' to the scalar argument <ArgName>. This essentially causes an AXI Memory Map write transaction into the SmartHLS module's on-chip storage. |
Baremetal | void <TopFunc>_write_<ArgName>(TYPE val, uint32_t
base_addr = <TopFunc>_BASE_ADDR); | |
Linux | RETYPE <TopFunc>_read_<ArgName>(void
*virt_addr); | This function reads the value of the <ArgName>. This is causes an AXI Memory Map read transaction from the SmartHLS module's on-chip storage. |
Baremetal | RETYPE <TopFunc>_read_<ArgName>(uint32_t base_addr