Dataflow Example: Diamond
(Ask a Question)Next, consider an example in which there are sub-functions without dependencies.
The sub-functions B and C can execute in parallel, starting when A is finished. Once both B and C are finished, D will begin. An implementation of the dataflow function is shown below.
void diamond(int in1[128], int in2[128], int out[128]) { #pragma HLS function top #pragma HLS function dataflow #pragma HLS dataflow_channel variable(tmp1_0) type(double_buffer) #pragma HLS dataflow_channel variable(tmp2_0) type(double_buffer) #pragma HLS dataflow_channel variable(tmp1_1) type(double_buffer) #pragma HLS dataflow_channel variable(tmp2_1) type(double_buffer) int tmp1_0[128], tmp2_0[128], tmp1_1[128], tmp2_1[128]; subfunction_A(in1, in2, tmp1_0, tmp2_0); subfunction_B(tmp1_0, tmp1_1); subfunction_C(tmp2_0, tmp2_1); subfunction_D(tmp1_1, tmp2_1, out); }