38.13.21 CxTXQCON

CAN Transmit Queue Control Register
  1. The individual bytes in this multibyte register can be accessed with the following register names:
    • CxTXQCONT: Accesses the top byte TXQCON[31:24]
    • CxTXQCONU: Accesses the upper byte TXQCON[23:16]
    • CxTXQCONH: Accesses the high byte TXQCON[15:8]
    • CxTXQCONL: Accesses the low byte TXQCON[7:0]
  2. These bits can only be modified in Configuration mode (OPMOD[2:0] = 100.
Address: 0x0150

Bit 3130292827262524 
Reset 00000000 
Bit 2322212019181716 
Reset 1100000 
Bit 15141312111098 
Access S/HCR/W/HCS/HC 
Reset 100 
Bit 76543210 
Access RR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 1000 

Bits 31:29 – PLSIZE[2:0]  Payload Size(2)

111 64 data bytes
110 48 data bytes
101 32 data bytes
100 24 data bytes
011 20 data bytes
010 16 data bytes
001 12 data bytes
000 8 data bytes

Bits 28:24 – FSIZE[4:0]  FIFO Size(2)

11111 FIFO is 32 messages deep
00010 FIFO is 3 messages deep
00001 FIFO is 2 messages deep
00000 FIFO is 1 messages deep

Bits 22:21 – TXAT[1:0] Retransmission Attempts

This feature is enabled when RTXAT (CxCON[16]) is set
11 Unlimited number of retransmission attempts
10 Unlimited number of retransmission attempts
01 Three retransmission attempts
00 Disable retransmission attempts

Bits 20:16 – TXPRI[4:0] Message Transmit Priority

11111 Highest message priority
00000 Lowest message priority

Bit 10 – FRESET FIFO Reset

1 FIFO will be reset when this bit is set, cleared by hardware when FIFO is reset; user needs to poll whether this bit is clear before taking any action
0 No effect

Bit 9 – TXREQ Message Send Request

1 Requests sending a message; the bit will automatically clear when all the messages queued in the TXQ are successfully sent
0 Clearing the bit to ‘0’ while set (‘1’) will request a message abort.

Bit 8 – UINC Increment Head/Tail

When this bit is set, the FIFO head will increment by a single message.

Bit 7 – TXEN TX Enable

1 The transmit message queue is always configured as a transmitter; this bit will always read as ‘1

Bit 4 – TXATIE Transmit Attempts Exhausted Interrupt Enable

1 Enables interrupt
0 Disables interrupt

Bit 2 – TXQEIE Transmit Queue Empty Interrupt Enable

1 Interrupt is enabled for TXQ empty
0 Interrupt is disabled for TXQ empty

Bit 0 – TXQNIE Transmit QUeue Not Full Interrupt Enable

1 Interrupt is enabled for TXQ not full
0 Interrupt is disabled for TXQ not full
The individual bytes in this multibyte register can be accessed with the following register names: CxTXQCONT: Accesses the top byte TXQCON[31:24] CxTXQCONU: Accesses the upper byte TXQCON[23:16] CxTXQCONH: Accesses the high byte TXQCON[15:8] CxTXQCONL: Accesses the low byte TXQCON[7:0] These bits can only be modified in Configuration mode (OPMOD[2:0] = 100.