SNMP Trap Destinations Configuration

The following figure shows the Trap Destinations Configuration page.

Figure 4-4. SNMP Trap Configuration

The Trap Destinations Configuration page has the following parameters:

  • Trap Config Name: Indicates the trap Configuration's name for configuring. The allowed string length is 1 to 32, and the allowed content is ASCII characters from 33 to 126.
  • Trap Mode: Enable/Disable from traps that are sent by the unit
  • Trap Version: Indicates the SNMP supported version. Possible versions are: SNMPv1, SNMPv2, and SNMPv3.
  • Trap Community: Indicates the community access string when sending SNMP trap packet. The allowed string length is 0 to 63, and the allowed content is ASCII characters from 33 to 126.
  • Trap Destination Address: Indicates the SNMP trap destination address. It allows a valid IP address and a valid hostname.
  • Trap Destination Port: Indicates the SNMP trap destination port. SNMP Agent sends the SNMP message via this port; the port range is 1–65535.
  • Trap Inform Mode: Indicates the SNMP trap inform mode operation. Possible modes are: Enabled/Disabled.
  • Trap Inform Timeout: Indicates the SNMP trap inform timeout in seconds
  • Trap Inform Retry Times: Indicates the SNMP trap inform retry times
  • Trap Security Engine ID: Indicates the SNMPv3 trap security engine ID
  • Trap Security Name: Indicates the SNMP trap security name. SNMPv3 traps and informs using USM for authentication and privacy. A unique security name is needed when traps and informs are enabled.