- BLE_GAP_AdvInit
Initialize BLE GAP legacy advertising module.
- BLE_GAP_ClearExtAdvSet
Remove all existing advertising sets.
- BLE_GAP_ConfigureBuildInService
Configure the build-in Generic Access services.
- BLE_GAP_ConnCentralInit
Initialize BLE GAP connection central module.
- BLE_GAP_ConnPeripheralInit
Initialize BLE GAP connection peripheral module.
- BLE_GAP_CreateConnection
Create a BLE connection to a connectable advertiser.
- BLE_GAP_CreateConnectionCancel
Cancel the current connecting procedure before successful connection establishment.
- BLE_GAP_CreateSync
Synchronize with a periodic advertising train from an advertiser and begin receiving periodic advertising packets.
- BLE_GAP_CreateSyncCancel
Cancel the BLE_GAP_CreateSync procedure while it is pending.
- BLE_GAP_Disconnect
Terminate an existing connection.
- BLE_GAP_EnableEncryption
Authenticate the given encryption key associated with the remote device specified by the connection,and once authenticated will encrypt the connection.
- BLE_GAP_EnableOneTimeAdv
Start one time advertising event.
- BLE_GAP_EncInfoReqNegativeReply
Reply to an LE encrypt information request event if local device cannot provide the information.
- BLE_GAP_EncInfoReqReply
Reply to an LE encrypt information request event.
- BLE_GAP_ExtAdvInit
Initialize BLE GAP extended advertising module.
- BLE_GAP_ExtConnCentralInit
Initialize BLE GAP extended connection central module.
- BLE_GAP_ExtCreateConnection
Create a BLE connection to a connectable advertiser.
- BLE_GAP_ExtScanInit
Initialize BLE GAP extended scanning module.
- BLE_GAP_GetAdvAddr
Retrieve the advertising address in the advertising events corresponding to the advertising handle.
- BLE_GAP_GetDeviceAddr
Get the device address.
- BLE_GAP_GetDeviceName
Get local device name with the length information.
- BLE_GAP_GetLocalPrivacy
Get the current local privacy mode setting parameters.
- BLE_GAP_GetRssi
Get the absolute Received Signal Strength Indication (RSSI) value. (Units: dBm)
- BLE_GAP_Init
Initialize BLE GAP main module.
- BLE_GAP_PeriodicAdvInit
Initialize BLE GAP periodic advertising module.
- BLE_GAP_ReadAuthPayloadTimeout
Read authenticated payload timeout value.
- BLE_GAP_ReadChannelMap
Get the channel map for the specific connection.
- BLE_GAP_ReadFactoryTxPowerLevel
Read the maximum and minimum factory RF transmit power level.
- BLE_GAP_ReadPhy
Read the current transmitter PHY and receiver PHY on the specified connection
- BLE_GAP_ReadRemoteTxPowerLevel
Read the transmit power level used by remote device on the specific connection.
- BLE_GAP_ReadTxPowerLevel
Read the current and maximum transmit power value of specific LE connection handle. (unit: dBm)
- BLE_GAP_RemoteConnParamsReqNegativeReply
Reply to an LE remote connection parameters request event if device rejects the remote devices request to change connection parameters.
- BLE_GAP_RemoteConnParamsReqReply
Reply to an LE remote connection parameters request event if device accepts the remote devices request to change connection parameters.
- BLE_GAP_RemoveExtAdvSet
Remove an advertising set.
- BLE_GAP_ScanInit
Initialize BLE GAP legacy scan module.
- BLE_GAP_SetAdvData
Set advertising data from the input "p_advData".
- BLE_GAP_SetAdvEnable
Start or stop advertising.
- BLE_GAP_SetAdvParams
Set advertising parameters.
- BLE_GAP_SetAdvTxPowerLevel
Set RF Tx power level preset value for Advertising physical channel PDUs.
- BLE_GAP_SetChannelMap
Set local channel map.
- BLE_GAP_SetConnTxPowerLevel
Set RF Tx power level preset value for LE connection Data physical channel PDU.
- BLE_GAP_SetDefaultPhy
Specify the preferred values for the transmitter PHY and receiver PHY to be used for all subsequent connections.
- BLE_GAP_SetDeviceAddr
Set the Bluetooth device address (identity address).
- BLE_GAP_SetDeviceName
Set the local device name.
- BLE_GAP_SetDevToPeriAdvList
Set one or multiple entries to the Periodic Advertiser list.
- BLE_GAP_SetExtAdvCodingScheme
Set preferred phy for extended advertising.
- BLE_GAP_SetExtAdvData
Configure extended advertising data.
- BLE_GAP_SetExtAdvEnable
Enable or disable one or more advertising sets using the advertising sets identified by the advHandle.
- BLE_GAP_SetExtAdvParams
Configure the extended advertising parameters.
- BLE_GAP_SetExtScanningEnable
Enable or disable extended scanning.
- BLE_GAP_SetExtScanningParams
Set the extended scan parameters to be used on the advertising physical channels.
- BLE_GAP_SetExtScanRspData
Configure extended scan response data.
- BLE_GAP_SetFilterAcceptList
Add devices to the filter accept list.
- BLE_GAP_SetGoldenRxPowerRange
Set the golden receive power range.
- BLE_GAP_SetLocalPrivacy
Configure the privacy parameters.
- BLE_GAP_SetPathLossReportingEnable
Enable or disable path loss reporting for specific connection.
- BLE_GAP_SetPathLossReportingParams
Set the path loss threshold reporting parameters for specific connection.
- BLE_GAP_SetPeriAdvData
Set periodic advertising data.
- BLE_GAP_SetPeriAdvEnable
Enable or disable the periodic advertising for the advertising set specified by the advHandle.
- BLE_GAP_SetPeriAdvParams
Configure periodic advertising parameters.
- BLE_GAP_SetPeriAdvRxEnable
Enables or disables reports for the periodic advertising train identified by input "syncHandle".
- BLE_GAP_SetPhy
Set the PHY preferences for the specified connection.
- BLE_GAP_SetResolvingList
Set devices to the resolving list.
- BLE_GAP_SetScanningEnable
Start or stop scanning.
- BLE_GAP_SetScanningFilter
Set the scanning filter parameters to filter received advertising or scan response PDU.
- BLE_GAP_SetScanningParam
Set the Scanning Parameters.
- BLE_GAP_SetScanRspData
Set scan response data.
- BLE_GAP_SetTxPowerReportingEnable
Enable or disable the reporting to the transmit power levelchanges in the local and remote device for the specific connection.
- BLE_GAP_SyncInit
Initialize BLE GAP sync module.
- BLE_GAP_TerminateSync
Stop reception of the periodic advertising train identified by the input "syncHandle".
- BLE_GAP_TrafficUnlock
Unlock BLE data traffic.
- BLE_GAP_UpdateConnParam
Update connection parameters of an existing connection.
- BLE_GAP_WriteAuthPayloadTimeout
Write authenticated payload timeout parameter.