14.21 Output Window

Open this window by selecting Window > Output.

The Task pane contains many windows, some inherited from the NetBeans platform and some that are specific to MPLAB X IDE. The Output window contains the MPLAB X IDE output information. It is shown on tabs within the window.

Table 14-85. Output Window Tab Items
Debugger ConsoleShows main debug actions, such as User program running.
Tool-specificShows tool firmware version, device ID, and action status.
Build, LoadShows information and status on the build, and program loading.
Clean, Build, LoadShows information and status on the clean, build, and program loading.
Peripheral OutputShows technical output from peripherals such as the UART, with the Simulator as the debug tool.

Content Scrolling

Programming actions taking place will be shown and scrolled in an Output window. The last action executed will be shown at the bottom of the window.

If you scroll up to view the content and then program again, the cursor will not move from your current location. This is to keep you from losing your place even though more content is filing the window below. To see the new content, you must manually scroll down.

Context Menu

Right clicking in the Output window will display various options as shown below.

Table 14-86. Output Window Context Menu
CopyCopies selected text from the Output window to the clipboard.
PastePastes selected text from the clipboard to the Output window.
FindFinds the selected text, or enters other text to find, in the Output window. You may use regular expressions and match case.
Find NextFinds the next occurrence of the Find text.
Find PreviousFinds the previous occurrence of the Find text.
FilterFilters the output by text or regular expression.
Wrap TextWraps the text in the Output window.
Larger FontMakes the font larger.
Smaller FontMakes the font smaller.
SettingsSelects font size, color, etc.
Save AsSaves the selected text to a file.
ClearClears all text in the Output window tab.
CloseCloses the Output window.
Output FoldsShows options for Collapse/Expand Fold, Collapse/Expand All or Collapse/Expand Fold Tree.