14.3 Breakpoints Window

Open the window by selecting Window > Debugging > Breakpoints.

The Breakpoints window is used for managing breakpoints in code.

New Breakpoint Dialog

Click the Create New Breakpoint button on the Breakpoint window to open the Breakpoint dialog and create a new breakpoint. Types of breakpoints allowable for the project device are listed.

Figure 14-4. New Breakpoint Icon

Breakpoint Window Menus

Right click in a blank area of the window to pop the menu below.

Table 14-4. Breakpoints Window Menu - No Breakpoint Line Selected
Item Description
New Breakpoint Open the New Breakpoint dialog.
Enable All

Disable All

Enable or disable all breakpoints.
Delete All Delete all breakpoints.

Right click on an existing breakpoint row in the window to pop the menu below.

Table 14-5. Breakpoints Window Menu - Breakpoint Line Selected
Item Description
Go to Source Show the location in code of the breakpoint.
Complex Breakpoint For a complex breakpoint, add this breakpoint to a new sequence or tuple. Also specify location in sequence or tuple.


Disable or re-enable the operation of this breakpoint.
New Breakpoint Open the New Breakpoint dialog.
Enable All

Disable All

Enable or disable all breakpoints.

Delete All

Delete this or all breakpoints.
Customize Customize the breakpoint behavior.