51.7.6 Reference Control

Note: This register is write-synchronized: SYNCBUSY.REFCTRL must be checked to ensure the REFCTRL register synchronization is complete.
Offset: 0x08
Reset: 0x00
Property: PAC Write-Protection, Write-Synchronized

Bit 76543210 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 00000 

Bit 7 – REFCOMP Reference Buffer Offset Compensation Enable

The gain error can be reduced by enabling the reference buffer offset compensation. This will increase the start-up time of the reference.

Note: If the reference buffer offset compensation is enabled (REFCOMP = 1) and the ADC reference selection is not using VDDANA (REFSEL ! = INTVCC1), the first 5 conversions of the ADC must be discarded after the ADC is enabled.
0 Reference buffer offset compensation is disabled.
1 Reference buffer offset compensation is enabled.

Bits 3:0 – REFSEL[3:0] Reference Selection

These bits select the reference for the ADC.

Note: If the internal bandgap voltage reference is selected (REFCTRL.REFSEL = 0x0), the On Demand operation mode (CTRLA.ONDEMAND = 0) is not supported and a delay of minimum 40 µs must be respected between the enable of the ADC (CTRLA.ENABLE) and the start of the first conversion. In case an ADC conversion is triggered by an input event, the delay must be introduced between the enable of the ADC and the enable of the ADC EVSYS channel.
0x0 INTREF internal bandgap reference, refer to the VREF.SEL bit-field in SUPC-Supply Controller for more details
x01 Reserved
0x2 INTVCC0 1/2 AVDD (only for AVDD > 2.0V)
0x4 AREFA External reference
0x5 AREFB External reference
0x6 AREFC External reference (ADC1 only)
other - Reserved