3.11.4 sEEPromTrxConfig eepTrxConf
The sEEPromTrxConfig eepTrxConf variable contains the general receiver configurations.
The clkConfig variable contains the clock configuration. For more details about functional description, see Clock Initialization from Related Links. For more details about hardware description, see System Clock and Clock Options from Related Links.
Address | Name | Bit 7 | Bit 6 | Bit 5 | Bit 4 | Bit 3 | Bit 2 | Bit 1 | Bit 0 |
0x0015 | clkConfig | — | — | SRCAO | FRCAO | — | CLKOEN | CLKOS[1:0] |
Bits 7..6: Reserved Bits
These bits are reserved for future use and must be set to ‘0
Bit 5: SRCAO – SRC Always On
= SRC “always on” disabled
= SRC “always on” enabled
This bit is copied to the corresponding bit in the CMOCR hardware register.
Bit 4: FRCAO – FRC Always On
= FRC “always on” disabled
= FRC “always on” enabled
This bit is copied to the corresponding bit in the CMOCR hardware register.
Bit 3: Reserved Bits
This bit is reserved for future use and must be set to ‘0
Bit 2: CLKOEN – Clock Output Driver Enable to CLK_OUT
= Clock output driver disabled
= Clock output driver enabled
This bit is copied to the corresponding bit in the CLKOCR hardware register.
Bits 1..0: CLKOS[1:0] – Clock Output Select
CLKOS1 | CLKOS0 | Function |
| SRC clock is selected |
| FRC clock is selected |
| Reserved |
| XTO clock is selected |
These bits are copied to the corresponding bits in the CLKOCR hardware register.
The spiConfig variable contains the SPI configuration. The settings are copied to the corresponding bits of the SPCR hardware register. For more details about functional description, see SPI Initialization from Related Links. For more details about hardware description, see SPI – Serial Peripheral Interface from Related Links.
Address | Name | Bit 7 | Bit 6 | Bit 5 | Bit 4 | Bit 3 | Bit 2 | Bit 1 | Bit 0 |
0x0016 | spiConfig | DORD | CPOL | CPHA | — | — | — | — | — |
Bit 7: DORD – Data Order
= MSB of the data word is transmitted first
= LSB of the data word is transmitted first
Bit 6: CPOL – Clock Polarity
When this bit is written to ‘1
’, SCK is HIGH when idle. When CPOL is written to ‘0
’, SCK is LOW when idle.
CPOL | Leading Edge | Trailing Edge |
| Rising | Falling |
| Falling | Rising |
Bit 5: CPHA – Clock Phase
The settings of the Clock Phase bit (CPHA) determine if data is sampled on the leading (first) or trailing (last) edge of SCK.
CPHA | Leading Edge | Trailing Edge |
| Sample | Setup |
| Setup | Sample |
Bits 4..0: Reserved Bits
These bits are reserved for future use and must be set to ‘0
The sysConfig variable contains power supply and interrupt settings. For more details about functional description, see Power Supply Settings and FIFO Interrupt Initialization from Related Links. For more details about hardware description, see Power Management and Data and Support FIFOs from Related Links.
Address | Name | Bit 7 | Bit 6 | Bit 5 | Bit 4 | Bit 3 | Bit 2 | Bit 1 | Bit 0 |
0x0017 | sysConfig | — | — | — | — | SFIFO_OFL_UFL_RX_disable | DFIFO_OFL_UFL_RX_disable | AVCCdisable | LOWBATTdisable |
Bits 7..4: Reserved Bits
These bits are reserved for future use and must be set to ‘0
Bit 3: SFIFO_OFL_UFL_RX_disable – Support FIFO Overflow Underflow RX Interrupt Disable
= SFIFO overflow/underflow RX interrupt enabled
= SFIFO overflow/underflow RX interrupt disabled
Bit 2: DFIFO_OFL_UFL_RX_disable – Data FIFO Overflow Underflow RX Interrupt Disable
= DFIFO overflow/underflow RX interrupt enabled
= DFIFO overflow/underflow RX interrupt disabled
Bit 1: AVCCdisable – AVCC Low Disable
= AVCCLOW enabled
= AVCCLOW disabled
Bit 0: LOWBATTdisable – Low Battery Disable
= LOWBATT enabled
= LOWBATT disabled
The clkOutDiv variable is a copy of the Clock Output Divider register (CLKOD) and contains the output clock divider configuration. CLKOD must be multiplied by 2 to get the actual divider value. For more details about the functional description, see Clock Initialization from Related Links. For more details about the hardware description, see System Clock and Clock Options from Related Links.
Address | Name | Bit 7 | Bit 6 | Bit 5 | Bit 4 | Bit 3 | Bit 2 | Bit 1 | Bit 0 |
0x0018 | clkOutDiv | CLKOD[7:0] |
Bits 7..0: CLKOD[7:0] – Clock Output Divider
The sysStartConfig variable contains the system mode configuration for the operating mode entered after system initialization. Tune and check functions are not performed when IDLEMode is selected as OPM. For more details on which options are available for the selected operation mode, see Operating Mode Options in the System Initialization Overview from Related Links.
Address | Name | Bit 7 | Bit 6 | Bit 5 | Bit 4 | Bit 3 | Bit 2 | Bit 1 | Bit 0 |
0x0019 | sysStartConfig | RF_CAL | — | VCO_TUNE | IDLEModeSelector | — | TMDEN | OPM[1:0] |
Bit 7: RF_CAL – RF Calibration at System Start
= RF calibration at system start disabled
= RF calibration at system start enabled
Bit 6: Reserved Bit
This bit is reserved for future use and must be set to ‘0
Bit 5: VCO_TUNE – VCO Tuning at System Start
= VCO tuning at system start disabled
= VCO tuning at system start enabled
Bit 4: IDLEModeSelector – IDLEMode Selector
= IDLEMode(RC) selected
= IDLEMode(XTO) selected
Bit 3: Reserved Bit
This bit is reserved for future use and must be set to ‘0
Bit 2: TMDEN – Transparent Mode Data Enable
= Buffered mode is enabled
= Transparent mode is enabled
Bits 1..0: OPM[1:0] – Operating Mode after System Init
OPM1 | OPM0 | Function |
| IDLEMode |
| Reserved |
| RXMode |
| PollingMode |
The sysStartSvcChConfig variable contains the service/channel configuration for the operating mode that is entered after system initialization.
Address | Name | Bit 7 | Bit 6 | Bit 5 | Bit 4 | Bit 3 | Bit 2 | Bit 1 | Bit 0 |
0x001A | sysStartSvcChConfig | enaPathB | enaPathA | Ch[1:0] | — | Ser[2:0] |
Bit 7: enaPathB – Enable Path B
= Path B disabled
= Path B enabled
Bit 6: enaPathA – Enable Path A
= Path A disabled
= Path A enabled
Bits 5..4: Ch[1:0] – Channel[1:0]
Ch1 | Ch0 | Function |
| Channel 0 |
| Channel 1 |
| Channel 2 |
| Invalid, set to channel 0 |
Bit 3: Reserved Bits
This bit is reserved for future use and must be set to ‘0
Bits 2..0: Ser[2:0] – Service[2:0]
Ser2 | Ser1 | Ser0 | Function |
| Service 0 |
| Service 1 |
| Service 2 |
| Service 3 |
| Service 4 |
| Invalid, set to service 0 |
| Invalid, set to service 0 |
| Invalid, set to service 0 |
The svcInitConf variable contains the SRAM service initialization configuration. For more details about the functional description, see SRAM Service Initialization from Related Links.
Address | Name | Bit 7 | Bit 6 | Bit 5 | Bit 4 | Bit 3 | Bit 2 | Bit 1 | Bit 0 |
0x001B | svcInitConf | UpdateSvc4 | eepSvc[1:0] |
| UpdateSvc3 | eepSvc[1:0] |
Bit 7: UpdateSvc4 – Update Flag Service 4
= Service 4 (SRAM) is not initialized
= Service 4 (SRAM) is initialized
Bits 6..5: eepSvc[1:0] – EEPROM Service Identifier
Number of EEPROM service that is used for initialization of service 4 (SRAM)
Bit 4: 1 – Must always be ‘1
Bit 3: UpdateSvc3 – Update Flag Service 3
= Service 3 (SRAM) is not initialized
= Service 3 (SRAM) is initialized
Bits 2..1: eepSvc[1:0] – EEPROM Service Identifier
Number of EEPROM service that is used for initialization of service 3 (SRAM)
Bit 0: 0 – Must always be ‘0