ZDO_ResetNetworkReq Function


void ZDO_ResetNetworkReq(ZDO_ResetNetworkReq_t *req);


The function resets the stack to its default state without sending any commands to the NWK. It resets all internal values and buffers, including the neighbor table, to their initial state. The node does not send any data to the network; therefore, its former parent receives no notifications and cannot immediately detect the child node’s Reset.

The response statuses, accessed via the ZDO_ResetNetworkConf_t status field of the callback’s argument, are as follows:
  • ZDO_SUCCESS_STATUS (0x00) – The request was executed successfully.
  • NWK_INVALID_REQUEST_STATUS (0xC2) – The device cannot perform the network Reset because it resets all stack layers during the ZDO Reset.
Input Parameters
Parameter NameDescription
reqDetermines the parameters of the request
Return Type and Values
  • None