ZDO_StartNetworkReq Function


void ZDO_StartNetworkReq(ZDO_StartNetworkReq_t *req);


This function initiates network formation for a coordinator and network joining for a router or end device, thereby enabling the device to start interacting with other nodes in the network. The process involves:
  • For a coordinator – Creating a new network
  • For a router or end device – Searching for and joining an existing network
Before executing this function, ensure the following parameters are correctly set:
  • Node parameters:
    • Extended address (CS_UID)
    • Short address (CS_NWK_ADDR) for static addressing
    • Device type (CS_DEVICE_TYPE)
  • Network parameters:
    • Channel mask (CS_CHANNEL_MASK)
    • Channel page (CS_CHANNEL_PAGE)
    • Extended PANID (CS_EXT_PANID) must be non-zero for coordinators
    • Maximum network depth (CS_MAX_NETWORK_DEPTH)
  • Carefully configure the security options
Note: Before initiating the network formation or joining process, it is crucial to set specific parameters correctly:
  • For a coordinator – The extended PANID (CS_EXT_PANID) must always be set to a non-zero value.
  • For a router or end device:
    • An extended PANID of 0 allows the device to join the first suitable network it finds.
    • A non-zero extended PANID restricts the device to join only a network with a matching PANID.
The ZDO_StartNetworkConf argument must include a pointer to a callback function, typically ZDO_StartNetworkConf(). Successful network formation or joining triggers:
  • A ZDO_CHILD_JOINED_STATUS notification via ZDO_MgmtNwkUpdateNotf() for a successful network join
The response statuses, accessed via the ZDO_StartNetworkConf_t-status field of the ZDO_StartNetworkReq_t-ZDO_StartNetworkConf callback’s argument, are as follows:
  • ZDO_SUCCESS_STATUS (0x00) – Network start is successful; the node has joined the network
  • ZDO_AUTHENTICATION_FAIL_STATUS (0x09) – Authentication failed after attempting to join a secured network
  • NWK_STARTUP_FAILURE_STATUS (0xC4) – The coordinator failed to perform active scanning
  • NWK_NO_NETWORKS_STATUS (0xCA) – No suitable parents found for joining via association
  • NWK_NOT_PERMITTED_STATUS (0xC3) – No suitable parents found for rejoining the network
  • MAC_NO_BEACON_STATUS (0xEA) – No devices detected due to the absence of received beacons during scanning
Input Parameters
Parameter NameDescription
reqDetermines the network parameters for join and formation
Return Type and Values
  • None