ZDO_ZdpReq Function


void ZDO_ZdpReq(ZDO_ZdpReq_t *zdpReq);


The application uses this function to send a ZDP request. The argument’s ZDO_ZdpReq_t-reqCluster field determines the request’s type. Specific request’s parameters are set in the req.reqPayload field.

The response statuses, accessed via the ZDO_ZdpRespFrame_t-status field of the ZDO_ZdpResp_t-respPayload field of the ZDO_ZdpReq_t-ZDO_ZdpResp callback’s argument, are as follows:
  • All requests:
    • ZDO_SUCCESS_STATUS (0x00) – The request executed successfully.
    • ZDO_FAIL_STATUS (0x07) - Unknown error occurred
    • ZDO_RESPONSE_WAIT_TIMEOUT_STATUS (0x02) – Response was not received in required time. This status is not valid for the match descriptor request.
    • ZDO_NOT_SUPPORTED_STATUS (0x84) – The requested feature is not supported by the destination node.
    • ZDO_NOT_AUTHORIZED_STATUS (0x8D) – The node does not have the authorization to make such request.
  • Match descriptor request
    • ZDO_CMD_COMPLETED_STATUS (0x0D) – Response timer expired (no more responses for the current request will be processed).
  • Binding request
    • ZDO_NO_ENTRY_STATUS (0x88) – Unbinding request is unsuccessful because the requested entry is not available in the binding table.
    • ZDO_TABLE_FULL_STATUS (0x8C) – The destination binding table is full.
    • ZDO_INVALID_REQUEST_STATUS (0x80) – Invalid parameters were provided (endpoint ID is out of range, using incorrect Destination Addressing mode, APS_EXT_ADDRESS is expected and more).
  • Simple descriptor and complex descriptor requests
    • ZDO_INVALID_EP_STATUS (0x82) – The specified endpoint is not available on the destination node.
  • End device binding request
    • ZDO_NOT_PERMITTED_STATUS (0x8B) – Indicates that the coordinator already received end device binding requests from two other devices and cannot process one more request.
Input Parameters
Parameter NameDescription
zdpReqDetermines the parameters of the ZDP request
Return Type and Values
  • None