ZDO_StartSyncReq Function


ZDO_Status_t ZDO_StartSyncReq(void);


The function starts sending sync requests (polling the parent). It turns ON the auto-polling mechanism if the ZDO_StopSyncReq() had previously turned it OFF. The stack, then, begins automatically sending polling requests to the parent.

  • If the parent node receives data frames for the sleeping node, the node automatically requests for those stored data frames when it wakes up.
  • Use this function only on end devices that can sleep and have CS_RX_ON_WHEN_IDLE set to false.
    • This setting ensures that the radio switches on only for a certain period when the stack sends data and waits for a reply.
Input Parameters
  • None
Return Type and Values
  • ZDO_SUCCESS_STATUS (0x00) – Operation completed successfully
  • ZDO_INVALID_REQUEST_STATUS (0x80) – Sync requests are already started