ZDO_StopSyncReq Function


ZDO_Status_t ZDO_StopSyncReq(void);


The function stops sending sync requests (polling the parent). It turns OFF the auto-polling mechanism, causing the stack to stop automatically sending polling requests to the parent.

  • If the parent node receives data frames for the node while the node is sleeping, the node is not going to automatically request for those stored data frames.
  • The user can manually perform the synchronization with the parent by sending NWK_SyncReq().
    • This is useful if the application does not want the node to perform any actions after it wakes up and wants to fully control data flow to end devices.

Use this function only on end devices that can sleep and have CS_RX_ON_WHEN_IDLE set to false, ensuring the radio switches on only for a certain period when the stack sends data and waits for a reply.

Input Parameters
  • None
Return Type and Values
  • ZDO_SUCCESS_STATUS (0x00) – Operation completed successfully
  • ZDO_INVALID_REQUEST_STATUS (0x80) – Sync requests are already started