32-bit Extension

For better system bus utilization, 32-bit data receive and transmit can be enabled separately by writing to the Data 32-bit bit field in the CTRLC.DATA32B = 1. When enabled, writes and/or reads to the DATA register are 32 bits in size.

If frames are not multiples of 4 Bytes, the length counter (LENGTH.LEN) and length enable (LENGTH.LENEN) must be configured before data transfer begins, LENGTH.LEN must be enabled only when CTRLC.DATA32B is enabled.

The following figure shows the order of transmit and receive when using 32-bit extension. Bytes are transmitted or received and stored in order from 0 to 3. Only 8-bit and smaller character sizes are supported. If the character size is less than 8 bits, characters will still be 8-bit aligned within the 32-bit APB write or read. The unused bits within each byte will be zero for received data and unused for transmit data.

Figure 35-29. 32-bit Extension Ordering

A receive transaction using 32-bit extension is illustrated in the image below. The Receive Complete flag (INTFLAG.RXC) is raised every four received Bytes. For transmit transactions, the Data Register Empty flag (INTFLAG.DRE) is raised instead of INTFLAG.RXC.

Figure 35-30. 32-bit Extension Receive Operation

Data Length Configuration

When the Data Length Enable bit field in the Length register (LENGTH.LENEN) is written to 0x1 or 0x2, the Data Length bit (LENGTH.LEN) determines the number of characters to be transmitted or received from 1 to 255.

Note: The LENGTH register is only valid when CTRLC.DATA32B = 1. There is one internal length counter that can be used for either transmit (LENGTH.LENEN = 0x1) or receive (LENGTH.LENEN = 0x2), but not for both simultaneously.

The LENGTH register must be written before the frame begins. If LENGTH.LEN is not a multiple of 4 Bytes, the final INTFLAG.RXC/DRE interrupt will be raised when the last byte is received/sent. The internal length counter is reset when LENGTH.LEN is reached or when LENGTH.LENEN is written to 0x0.

Writing the LENGTH register while a frame is in progress will produce unpredictable results. If LENGTH.LENEN is not set and a frame is not a multiple of 4 Bytes, the remainder may be lost. Attempting to use the length counter for transmit and receive at the same time will produce unpredictable results.

The USART embeds up to 16-bytes FIFO capability. The receive / transmit buffer is considered to have the FIFO mode enabled when CTRLC.FIFOEN = 1. By default, the FIFO when enabled can act as a 16-by-8-bit array, or as a 4-by-32-bit array, depending on the setting of the CTRLC.DATA32B bit.

Figure 35-31. FIFO Overview

The interrupts and DMA triggers are generated according to FIFO threshold settings in the CTRLC.TXTRHOLD and CTRLC.RXTRHOLD register bit fields. The Data Register Empty interrupt flag, and the DMA TX trigger respectively, are generated when the available place in the TX FIFO is equal or higher than the threshold value defined by the CTRLC.TXTRHOLD settings. The Transfer complete interrupt is generated when the TX FIFO is empty, and the entire data (including the stop bits) has been transmitted.

The Receive Complete interrupt flag, (i.e., INTFLAG.RXC), and the DMA RX trigger respectively, are generated when the number of bytes present in the RX FIFO equals or is higher than the threshold value defined by the CTRLC.RXTRHOLD settings. The ERROR interrupt flag is generated when both RX shifter and the RX FIFO are full.

The RX or TX FIFO can be individually cleared, by setting the respective FIFO Clear bit in the CTRLB.FIFOCLR register. The FIFO Clear must be written before data transfer begins. Writing the FIFO Clear bits while a frame is in progress will produce unpredictable results.