21.9.1 smartpower_add_new_custom_mode


This Tcl command creates a new custom mode.

smartpower_add_new_custom_mode -name {mode name} \
                               -base_mode {base mode} \
                               [-description {mode description}]


Parameter Type Description
name string Specifies the name of the new custom mode. This parameter is mandatory.
base_mode string Specifies the name of the base mode used to create the new custom mode. It must be one of the following: Active, Standby or Flash*Freeze (RTG4, SmartFusion 2, and IGLOO 2). This parameter is mandatory.
description string Specifies the description of the new custom mode. This parameter is optional.
Return Type Description
None None

Error Codes

Error Code Description
None Required parameter 'name' is missing.
None Parameter 'name' has illegal value.
None base_mode: Invalid argument value: 'mode_name' (expecting Active, Static, new_mode_name1, new_mode_name2 or new_mode_name4).
None Parameter 'base_mode' has illegal value.
None Required parameter 'base_mode' is missing.
None Parameter 'param_name' is not defined. Valid command formatting is 'smartpower_add_new_custom_mode -name "name" [-description "description"] -base_mode "Active | Static | new_mode_name1 | new_mode_name2 | new_mode_name4"'.

Supported Families

Supported Families Supported Versions
PolarFire® v12.4+
SmartFusion® 2 v12.4+
RTG4 v12.4+
IGLOO® 2 v12.4+
PolarFire SoC v12.6+


This example creates a new custom mode "NewCustomMode" based on the Active mode:

smartpower_add_new_custom_mode -name {NewCustomMode} \
                               -base_mode {Active} \
                               -description {frequency 10 MHz}

See Also