21.9.5 smartpower_change_clock_statistics


This Tcl command changes the default frequencies and probabilities for a specific domain.

Note: This command is associated with the functionality of Initialize frequencies and probabilities dialog box.
smartpower_change_clock_statistics -domain_name {value} \
                                   -clocks_freq {value} \
                                   -clocks_proba {value} \
                                   -registers_freq {value} \
                                   -registers_proba {value} \
                                   -set_reset_freq {value} \
                                   -set_reset_proba {value} \
                                   -primaryinputs_freq {value} \
                                   -primaryinputs_proba {value} \
                                   -combinational_freq {value} \
                                   -combinational_proba {value}


domain_namestringSpecifies the domain name in which to initialize frequencies and probabilities.
clocks_freqstringSpecifies the user input frequency in Hz, KHz or MHz for all clocks. Must be a positive decimal value.
clocks_probadecimalSpecifies the user input probability in percentage(%) for all clocks. Must be a positive decimal value and less than or equal to 100.000.
registers_freqstringSpecifies the user input frequency (in Hz, KHz or MHz) or the toggle rate in percentage(%). Must be a positive decimal value and less than or equal to 100.000. If the unit is not provided and toggle rate is active, the value is handled as a toggle rate, if toggle rate is not active, the value is handled as a frequency.
registers_probadecimalSpecifies the user input probability in percentage(%) for all registers. Must be a positive decimal value and less than or equal to 100.000.
set_reset_freqstringSpecifies the user input frequency (in Hz, KHz or MHz) or the toggle rate in percentage(%). Must be a positive decimal value. If the unit is not provided and toggle rate is active, the value is handled as a toggle rate, if toggle rate is not active, the value is handled as a frequency.
set_reset_probadecimalSpecifies the user input probability in percentage(%) for all set/reset nets. Must be a positive decimal value and less than or equal to 100.000.
primaryinputs_freqstringSpecifies the user input frequency (in Hz, KHz or MHz) or the toggle rate in percentage(%). Must be a positive decimal value. If the unit is not provided and toggle rate is active, the value is handled as a toggle rate, if toggle rate is not active, the value is handled as a frequency.
primaryinputs_probadecimalSpecifies the user input probability in percentage(%) for all primary inputs. Must be a positive decimal value and less than or equal to 100.000.
combinational_freqstringSpecifies the user input frequency (in Hz, KHz or MHz) or the toggle rate percentage(%). Must be a positive decimal value. If the unit is not provided and toggle rate is active, the value is handled as a toggle rate, if toggle rate is not active, the value is handled as a frequency.
combinational_probadecimalSpecifies the user input probability in percentage(%) for all combinational combinational output. Must be a positive decimal value and less than or equal to 100.000.
Return TypeDescription

Error Codes

Error CodeDescription
NoneRequired parameter 'domain_name' is missing.
NoneParameter 'domain_name' has illegal value.
NoneParameter 'combinational_proba' has illegal value.
Nonecombinational_proba: Invalid argument value: 'value' (expecting decimal value).
NoneParameter 'combinational_proba' must be a positive decimal value.
NoneParameter 'combinational_proba' must be less than or equal to 100.000.
NoneParameter 'combinational_freq' has illegal value.
Nonecombinational_freq: Parameter format incorrect (expecting a positive decimal value, optionally followed by a unit (possible values are Hz, KHz, MHz or %)).
NoneParameter 'primaryinputs_proba' has illegal value.
Noneprimaryinputs_proba: Invalid argument value: 'value' (expecting decimal value).
NoneParameter 'primaryinputs_proba' must be a positive decimal value.
NoneParameter 'primaryinputs_proba' must be less than or equal to 100.000.
NoneParameter 'primaryinputs_freq' has illegal value.
Noneprimaryinputs_freq: Parameter format incorrect (expecting a positive decimal value, optionally followed by a unit (possible values are Hz, KHz, MHz or %)).
NoneParameter 'set_reset_proba' has illegal value.
Noneset_reset_proba: Invalid argument value: 'value' (expecting decimal value).
NoneParameter 'set_reset_proba' must be a positive decimal value.
NoneParameter 'set_reset_proba' must be less than or equal to 100.000.
NoneParameter 'set_reset_freq' has illegal value.
Noneset_reset_freq: Parameter format incorrect (expecting a positive decimal value, optionally followed by a unit (possible values are Hz, KHz, MHz or %)).
NoneParameter 'registers_proba' has illegal value.
Noneregisters_proba: Invalid argument value: 'value' (expecting decimal value).
NoneParameter 'registers_proba' must be a positive decimal value.
NoneParameter 'registers_proba' must be less than or equal to 100.000.
NoneParameter 'registers_freq' has illegal value.
Noneregisters_freq: Parameter format incorrect (expecting a positive decimal value, optionally followed by a unit (possible values are Hz, KHz, MHz or %)).
NoneParameter 'clocks_proba' has illegal value.
Noneclocks_proba: Invalid argument value: 'value' (expecting decimal value).
NoneParameter 'clocks_proba' must be a positive decimal value.
NoneParameter 'clocks_proba' must be less than or equal to 100.000.
NoneParameter 'clocks_freq' has illegal value.
Noneclocks_freq: Parameter format incorrect (expecting a positive decimal value, optionally followed by a unit (possible values are Hz, KHz or MHz)).
NoneParameter 'param_name' is not defined. Valid command formatting is 'smartpower_change_clock_statistics -domain_name "domain name" \ [-clocks_freq "decimal value [unit { Hz | KHz | MHz }]"] \ [-clocks_proba "decimal value"] \ [-registers_freq "decimal value [unit { Hz | KHz | MHz | % }]"] \ [-registers_proba "decimal value"] \ [-set_reset_freq "decimal value [unit { Hz | KHz | MHz | % }]"] \ [-set_reset_proba "decimal value"] \ [-primaryinputs_freq "decimal value [unit { Hz | KHz | MHz | % }]"] \ [-primaryinputs_proba "decimal value"] \ [-combinational_freq "decimal value [unit { Hz | KHz | MHz | % }]"] \ [-combinational_proba "decimal value"] '.

Supported Families

SmartFusion® 2
PolarFire SoC


The following example initializes all clocks with:

smartpower_change_clock_statistics -domain_name {my_domain} \
                                   -clocks_freq {10 MHz} \
                                   -clocks_proba {20} \
                                   -registers_freq {10 MHz} \
                                   -registers_proba {20} \
                                   -set_reset_freq {10MHz} \
                                   -set_reset_proba {20} \
                                   -primaryinputs_freq {10 MHz} \
                                   -primaryinputs_proba {20} \
                                   -combinational_freq {10 MHz} \
                                   -combinational_proba {20}

See Also