21.9.34 smartpower_report_power


This Tcl command creates a power report, which enables you to determine if you have any power consumption problems in your design. It includes information about the global device and SmartPower preferences selection and hierarchical details (including gates, blocks, and nets), with a block-by-block, gate-by-gate, and net-by-net power summary SmartPower results.

  • Flash*Freeze is available only for certain families and devices(RTG4, SmartFusion 2 and IGLOO 2).
  • Worst and Best are available only for certain families and devices.
smartpower_report_power \
              [-powerunit "W | mW | uW"] \
              [-frequnit "Hz | KHz | MHz"] \
              [-opcond "Best | Typical | Worst"] \
              [-opmode "Active | Static"] \
              [-toggle "TRUE | FALSE"] \
              [-power_summary "TRUE | FALSE"] \
              [-rail_breakdown "TRUE | FALSE"] \
              [-type_breakdown "TRUE | FALSE"] \
              [-clock_breakdown "TRUE | FALSE"] \
              [-thermal_summary "TRUE | FALSE"] \
              [-battery_life "TRUE | FALSE"] \
              [-clock_summary "TRUE | FALSE"] \
              [-opcond_summary "TRUE | FALSE"] \
              [-annotation_coverage "TRUE | FALSE"] \
              [-style "Text | CSV"] \
              [-sortorder "Ascending | Descending"] \
              [-sortby "Alphabetical | Power Values"] \
              [-instance_breakdown "TRUE | FALSE"] \
              [-power_threshold "TRUE | FALSE"] \
              [-filter_instance "TRUE | FALSE"] \
              [-min_power "decimal value [unit { W | mW | uW }]"] \
              [-max_instance "integer value"] \
              [-activity_sortorder "Ascending | Descending"] \
              [-activity_sortby "Pin Name | Net Name | Domain | Frequency | Source"] \
              [-activity_summary "TRUE | FALSE"] \
              [-frequency_threshold "TRUE | FALSE"] \
              [-filter_pin "TRUE | FALSE"] \
              [-min_frequency "decimal value [unit { Hz | KHz | MHz }]"] \
              [-max_pin "integer value"] \
              [-enablerates_summary "TRUE | FALSE"] \
              [-enablerates_sortorder "Ascending | Descending"] \
              [-enablerates_sortby "Pin Name | Net Name | Type | Polarity | Rate | Source"] \


powerunitstringSpecifies the unit in which power is set. The acceptable values for this argument are the following:
  • W - The power unit is set to watts.
  • mW - The power unit is set to milliwatts.
  • uW - The power unit is set to microwatts.
frequnitstringSpecifies the unit in which frequency is set. The acceptable values for this argument are the following:
  • Hz - The frequency unit is set to hertz.
  • kHz - The frequency unit is set to kilohertz.
  • MHz - The frequency unit is set to megahertz.
opcondstringSpecifies the operating condition. The following acceptable values for this argument are the following:
  • worst - The operating condition is set to worst case.
  • typical - The operating condition is set to typical case.
  • best - The operating condition is set to best case.
opmodestringSpecifies the operating mode. The following acceptable values for this argument are the following:
  • Active - The operating mode is set to Active.
  • Static - The operating mode is set to Static.
  • Flash*Freeze - The operating mode is set to Flash*Freeze.
togglebooleanSpecifies the toggle. The acceptable values for this argument are thr following:
  • TRUE, true or 1 - The toggle is set to true.
  • FALSE, false or 1 - The toggle is set to false.
power_summarybooleanSpecifies whether to include the power summary, which shows the static and dynamic values in the report. The acceptable values for this argument are the following:
  • TRUE, true or 1 - Includes the power summary in the report.
  • FALSE, false or 0 - Does not include the power summary in the report.
rail_breakdownbooleanSpecifies whether to include the breakdown by rail summary in the report. The acceptable values for this argument are the following:
  • TRUE, true or 1 - Includes the breakdown by rail summary in the report.
  • FALSE, false or 0 - Does not include the breakdown by rail summary in the report.
type_breakdownbooleanSpecifies whether to include the breakdown by type summary in the report. The acceptable values for this argument are thr following:
  • TRUE, true or 1 - Includes the breakdown by type summary in the report.
  • FALSE, false or 0 - Does not include the breakdown by type summary in the report.
clock_breakdownbooleanSpecifies whether to include the breakdown by clock domain in the report. The acceptable values for this argument are thr following:
  • TRUE, true or 1 - Includes the breakdown by clock domain summary in the report.
  • FALSE, false or 0 - Does not include the breakdown by clock domain summary in the report.
thermal_summarybooleanSpecifies whether to include the thermal summary in the report. The acceptable values for this argument are the following:
  • TRUE, true or 1 - Includes the thermal summary in the report.
  • FALSE, false or 0 - Does not include the thermal summary in the report.
battery_lifebooleanSpecifies whether to include the battery life summary in the report. The acceptable values for this argument are the following:
  • TRUE, true or 1 - Includes the battery life summary in the report.
  • FALSE, false or 0 - Does not include the battery life summary in the report.
opcond_summarybooleanSpecifies whether to include the operating conditions summary in the report. The acceptable values for this argument are the following:
  • TRUE, true or 1 - Includes the operating conditions summary in the report.
  • FALSE, false or 0 - Does not include the operating conditions summary in the report.
clock_summarybooleanSpecifies whether to include the clock domains summary in the report. The acceptable values for this argument are the following:
  • TRUE, true or 1 - Includes the clock summary in the report.
  • FALSE, false or 0 - Does not include the clock summary in the report.
stylestringSpecifies the format in which the report will be exported. The acceptable values for this argument are the following:
  • Text - The report will be exported as Text file.
  • CSV(by default) - The report will be exported as CSV file.
sortbystringSpecifies how to sort the values in the report. The acceptable values for this argument are the following:
  • power values - Sorts based on the power values.
  • alphabetical - Sorts in an alphabetical order.
sortorderstringSpecifies the sort order of the values in the report. The acceptable values for this argument are the following:
  • ascending - Sorts the values in ascending order.
  • descending - Sorts the values in descending order.
instance_breakdownbooleanSpecifies whether to include the breakdown by instance in the report. The acceptable values for this argument are the following:
  • TRUE, true or 1 - Includes the breakdown by instance in the report.
  • FALSE, false or 0 - Does not include the breakdown by instance in the report.
power_thresholdbooleanThis specifies whether to include only the instances that consume power above a certain minimum value. Whenthis command is set to true, the -min_power argument must also be used to specify that only the instances thatconsume power above this minimum power value are the ones that are included in the report. The acceptable values for this argument are the following:
  • TRUE, true or 1 - Includes the power threshold in the report.
  • FALSE, false or 0 - Does not include the power threshold in the report.
filter_instancebooleanThis specifies whether to have a limit on the number of instances to include in the Power report. When this commandis set to true, the -max_instance argument must also be used to specify the maximum number of instances to beincluded into the Power report. The acceptable values for this argument are the following:
  • TRUE, true or 1 - Indicates that you want to have a limit on the number of instances to include in the Powerreport.
  • FALSE, false or 0 - Indicates that you do not want to have a limit on the number of instances to include in thePower report.
min_powerdecimalSpecifies which block to expand based on the minimum power value of a block.
max_instanceintegerSets the maximum number of instances to a specified integer greater than or equal to 0 (zero). This will limit the maximum number of instances to be included in the Power report.
activity_sortorderstringSpecifies the sort order for the activity summary. The acceptable values for this argument are the following:
  • ascending - Sorts the values in ascending order.
  • descending - Sorts the values in descending order.
activity_sortbystringSpecifies how to sort the values for the activity summary. The acceptable values for this argument are the following:
  • pin name - Sorts based on the pin name.
  • net name - Sorts based on thepnet name.
  • domain - Sorts based on the clock domain.
  • frequency - Sorts based on the clock frequency.
  • source - Sorts based on the clock frequency source.
activity_summarybooleanSpecifies whether to include the activity summary in the report. The following acceptable values for this argument are the following:
  • TRUE, true or 1 - Includes the activity summary in the report.
  • FALSE, false or 0- Does not include the activity summary in the report.
frequency_thresholdbooleanSpecifies whether to add a frequency threshold. The acceptable values for this argument are the following:
  • TRUE, true or 1 - Adds a frequency threshold.
  • FALSE, false or 0 - Does not add a frequency threshold.
filter_pinbooleanSpecifies whether to filter by maximum number of pins. The acceptable values for this argument are the following:
  • TRUE, true or 1 - Filters by maximum number of pins.
  • FALSE, false or 0 - Des not filter by maximum number of pins.
min_frequencydecimalSets the minimum frequency to {decimal value [unit { Hz | KHz | MHz}]}.
max_pinintegerSets the maximum number of pins.
enablerates_sortorderstringSpecifies the sort order for the probabilities summary. The acceptable values for this argument are the following:
  • ascending - Sorts the values in ascending order.
  • descending - Sorts the values in descending order.
enablerates_sortbystringSpecifies how to sort the values for the probabilities summary. The acceptable values for this argument are the following:
  • pin name - Sorts based on the pin name.
  • net name - Sorts based on the net name.
  • domain - Sorts based on the clock domain.
  • frequency - Sorts based on the clock frequency.
  • source - Sorts based on the clock frequency source.
enablerates_summarybooleanSpecifies whether to include the probabilities summary in the report. The acceptable values for this argument are the following:
  • TRUE, true or 1 - Includes the activity summary in the report.
  • FALSE, false or 0 - Does not include the activity summary in the report.
with_annotation_coveragebooleanSpecifies whether to include the annotation coverage summary in the report. The acceptable values for this argument are the following:
  • TRUE, true or 1 - Includes the annotation coverage summary in the report.
  • FALSE, false or 0 - Does not include the annotation coverage summary in the report.
filenamestringSpecifies the name or path of the file to be exported. This argument is mandatory. Default created under designer/<root_name> dircetory.
Return TypeDescription

Error Codes

Error CodeDescription
Noneopcond: Invalid argument value: 'value' (expecting Best, Typical or Worst).
Nonepowerunit: Invalid argument value: 'value' (expecting W, mW or uW).
Noneopmode: Invalid argument value: 'value' (expecting Active, Static or Flash*Freeze).
Nonefrequnit: Invalid argument value: 'value' (expecting Hz, KHz or MHz).
Nonetoggle: Invalid argument value: 'value' (expecting TRUE, 1, true, FALSE, 0 or false).
Nonepower_summary: Invalid argument value: 'value' (expecting TRUE, 1, true, FALSE, 0 or false).
Nonerail_breakdown: Invalid argument value: 'value' (expecting TRUE, 1, true, FALSE, 0 or false).
Nonetype_breakdown: Invalid argument value: ' value' (expecting TRUE, 1, true, FALSE, 0 or false).
Noneclock_breakdown: Invalid argument value: 'value' (expecting TRUE, 1, true, FALSE, 0 or false).
Nonethermal_summary: Invalid argument value: 'value' (expecting TRUE, 1, true, FALSE, 0 or false).
Nonebattery_life: Invalid argument value: 'value' (expecting TRUE, 1, true, FALSE, 0 or false).
Nonepower_threshold: Invalid argument value: 'value' (expecting TRUE, 1, true, FALSE, 0 or false).
Nonemin_power: Parameter format incorrect (expecting a positive decimal value, optionally followed by a unit (possible values are W, mW or uW)).
Nonefilter_instance: Invalid argument value: 'value' (expecting TRUE, 1, true, FALSE, 0 or false).
Nonemax_instance: Invalid argument value: 'integer' (expecting integer value).
NoneParameter 'max_instance' must be a positive integer value.
Noneactivity_sortorder: Invalid argument value: 'value' (expecting Ascending or Descending).
Noneactivity_summary: Invalid argument value: 'value' (expecting TRUE, 1, true, FALSE, 0 or false).
Nonefrequency_threshold: Invalid argument value: 'value' (expecting TRUE, 1, true, FALSE, 0 or false).
Nonefilter_pin: Invalid argument value: 'value' (expecting TRUE, 1, true, FALSE, 0 or false).
Nonemax_pin: Invalid argument value: 'value' (expecting integer value).
NoneParameter 'max_pin' must be a positive integer value.
Noneenablerates_sortorder: Invalid argument value: 'value' (expecting Ascending or Descending).
Noneenablerates_sortby: Invalid argument value: 'value' (expecting Pin Name, Net Name, Type, Polarity, Rate or Source).
Noneenablerates_summary: Invalid argument value: 'value' (expecting TRUE, 1, true, FALSE, 0 or false).

Supported Families

SmartFusion® 2
PolarFire SoC


This example generates a Power report named power_report.xml:

smartpower_report_power -frequnit "MHz" \
                        -opcond "Typical" \
                        -opmode "Active" \
                        -toggle "TRUE" \
                        -battery_life "TRUE" \
                        -style "TEXT" \
                        -power_summary "TRUE" \
                        -activity_sortby "Source" \