21.9.3 smartpower_add_pin_in_domain


This tcl command adds a pin into a clock or set domain.

smartpower_add_pin_in_domain -pin_name {pin name} \
                             -pin_type {value} \
                             -domain_name {domain name} \
                             -domain_type {value}


Parameter Type Description
pin_name string Specifies the name of the pin to add to the domain.
pin_type string Specifies the type of the pin to add. The acceptable values for this argument are the following:
  • clock - The pin to add is a clock pin.
  • data - The pin to add is a data pin.
domain_name string Specifies the name of the domain in which to add the specified pin.
domain_type string Specifies the type of domain in which to add the specified pin. The acceptable values for this argument are the following:
  • clock - The domain is a clock domain.
  • set - The domain is a set domain.
Return Type Description
None None

Error Codes

Error Code Description
None Required parameter 'pin_name' is missing.
None Required parameter 'pin_type' is missing.
None Required parameter 'domain_type' is missing.
None Required parameter 'domain_name' is missing.
None domain_type: Invalid argument value: 'value' (expecting clock or set).
None Parameter 'pin_name' has illegal value.
None Failed to add pin "pin_name" to "domain".
None pin_type: Invalid argument value: 'value' (expecting clock or data).
None Parameter 'param_name' is not defined. Valid command formatting is 'smartpower_add_pin_in_domain [-pin_name "name of pin"]+ -domain_type "clock | set" -domain_name "name of domain" -pin_type "clock | data"'.

Supported Families

Supported Families Supported Versions
PolarFire® v12.4+
SmartFusion® 2 v12.4+
RTG4™ v12.4+
IGLOO® 2 v12.4+
PolarFire SoC v12.6+


The following example adds a "XCMP3/U0/U1:Y" clock pin to an existing Clock "clk" domain:

smartpower_add_pin_in_domain -pin_name {XCMP3/U0/U1:Y} \
                             -pin_type {clock} \
                             -domain_name {clk} \
                             -domain_type {clock}

The following example adds a "XCMP3/U0/U1:Y" data pin to an existing Set "myset" domain:

smartpower_add_pin_in_domain -pin_name {XCMP3/U0/U1:Y} \
                             -pin_type {data} \
                             -domain_name {myset} \
                             -domain_type {set}

See Also